Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Inlaws go from bull penis canes to stealing my art tomake sister in law Ms Michaelangelo,help by Syracuse University,Cranbrook & lying Mafia cousins

To be first chapter of my book when I get my new computer. I hope the people staling my life for the last 40 years will enjoy it. I have my sister in law after bying part of SU stealing everything with my aunts that I collected or inherited or made myself to pass out to my in laws or themsleves in the county my Polish Mafia mother and father and Swedish Scottish godparents, my aunt Isabelles boyfriends and husbands want.

I don't need Mrs. Kline, Sarah Spino etc goddess writers using my blog information fortheir own gay revenge mob in Bradenton. I don't need the Army using this blog or Mr and Mrs. MacDonald any country and their Spooks CIA and goddesses of CIA planting false genealogy in old houses while they look for seance equipment for fortune telling. Story started by beautyqueens and food store punks in Flint Jr College moving on to Hollywood. My son and I paid for their fun with our lives and property.

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