Genealogy writers and genealogy forgers and manipulators were in Pasco CO FL in the 70's working with Jack Nelson and his Mormon genealogy family and Mormon doctors and attorneys forging ancestry. I live in Pasco CO Fl . My own relatives and in laws have kept all knowledge of the whereabouts and condition of my only son from me since I won a divorce from Rodger Allen Mack in 1987. As they inerfered with telephones and mail to my parents while building a line of family I believe my ancestry moved to my aunt. My aunt married into a mafia family. I had sick cousins that wanted money from rich foreign born food companys and my aunt Isabelle's mafia related relatives for their polio and muscular dystrophy cures. I have heard twice from alumni HS and College associations twice in my life. Ed Alderman my ex's attorney said in court that if I won my divorce I would never see my son again. I giess he should have said or know anything about him while you cousins try tosteal and slander away your entire life and while they use your art work and writings as their own. My son had had three attempts on his life as a child before that.
My Scottish/American aunt Isabelle and her English sister in law apparently decided decided to join my millionaire in laws and family investing in this county, around my parents,and while inventing their own ancestry,genealogy stories, while Nelson and other genealogists and attorneys like Rodger Scott and Sidney Manys stole my ancestors. They became so powerful John macDonald Sr and Jr decided to build a business around them. Weavers built business around them inventing new plaids for people going non scottish to scottish or english.
The CIA of governments are not supposed to steal the ancestors of living people to forge cover names. It seems sure to me that southern politicians let John MacDonald (writer and former Strategic Services, first found the USA CIA: Then join myand my own in laws use my ancestors outside this county and while investing in Florida with non UN investors.
My ex husband Rodger Mack had a Bell family that moved to his area in the 70's. They joined my cousins Young or Warnock trying to move into my and my mother's house. When I divorced they may have taken my only son Theo to a Tenn. Scottish commune that makes up genealogy . My ex's Barbertron Ohio cousin Bonnie Bell. had Irish Serbian parents, 'Wallet' in Barberton Ohio. They moved to Florida and a Ranch Mobile Park that had the same street names in the 70's and 80's that Colonial Hills Phase one had, New Port Richey FL This was when my parents street (now Overton) was Oriole Drive. All the zip codes there changed twice in the years I lived there, Sunset moved twice probably so no one could find the locations under Mafia investigation by moviemaker 'Donnie Brascos'.
The Bell Irish Serbian relatives arrived here with other Ohio family jining Serbian Gaedes and Genoes that moved around my Scottish mother and English father and their friends maily retired from the Flint and Swartz Creek MI area. They were part of the family of Mall builders that drove my parents out of their house 4327Miller Rd, (Flint or Swartz Creek MI. I suppose that is a ruin that is there to take the place of the rather run down house that the Macks moved to from Barberton to Lodi. Their daughter has to have changed family stories with me and Mormon Nelson have tried to make she and her mother Scottish from Serbian and Polish with half of Swartz Creek. Children now retired that decided they would have a Happening with Jack Nelson and his professors investing in Pasco CO Florida with my aunts ex Mafia in this area with Malls, small colleges, and Hospital, medical business and employment.
Because my ex husband Sculptor and Professor Rodger Allen Mack were both known to John MacDonald Jr we were possibly known of by John Sr. and his profiler wife. John Sr. was part founder of the CIA USA and had moved to NZ and Australia. Mystery writer MacDonald had graduated from the SU Business School. Rumors had a CIA terror school in the Utica area. MacDonalds had lived in Utica. They also lived in Sarasota Fl area close to where where the Alderman Deitz, Sarasota Air Port land grab without jury trials went on in about 1972 (listed in FL Southern Record). Owners were driven from property by non jury means. My dad had a very old name and his Shipwright gradfather was Royal Orange Protestant, opposite the IRA. Thay would be of inerest to the SU CIA terrorism school? rumored to be in the Utica area 70's 80's. There were also underground slave roads and underground passages from under the SU business school to the stage area of a Mormon church behind the business office.
John Jr. was enrolled at Cranbrook Academy of Art at the same time my ex and I were there. Mrs. MacDonald was at one time listed as a profiler for the FBI or CIA on the web. Wriging a book. Johns parents or parent, mother left fr NZ or Australia. Someone may have found a way to be a profiler for NZ or the Australian CIA. SU sent Jack Nelson and Sarah Spino to N. Ireland with forged ancestry. My and my sons genealogy and ancestry was stolen beginning in my sons third grade class, by SU History Professor and part gypsy, Art LeGacy.
Atorney Sidney Manes started somekind of inappropriate adoptions?without my permission or my parents adding people into some kind of class family that the parents and Mormon church took over as real. They used it to bring people into the country possibly with my sister in laws Kathi Lee Mack, then Thomas, then Deitz?bringing my mother's cousins here to attest to false genealolgy. . . as there were no others except me and my son to my dads line.
Possibly people were brought down the St Lawrence to Mane's island to work in the Mack Vanni homes and Alderman Hospitals to attest to the Nelson and James Harathies (Museum Director) genealogy. He may have helped bring people down the St Lawarence from Montreal possibly with John Sellers(ad man helping my sister in law image builder) using Yachts or other boats owned by advertising people (including John Sellers) Sailers that had been made made up to join my father's relatives. This included bringing my cousin Bob Warnocks people here to rob me and take my ancestors to attest to Nelson and Bagnasco (michaels) and Wilson, Mitchell, Clark lies and to include experimens in Laser talker or other laser experiments in a think tank by the business office. I believe this experimentation by a lot of education people helping doctors write their thesis for southern medical schools at a think tank my in laws paid for after my ex as told he had cancer. They made sure I or my son did not hear anything of it.. My ex stopped paying the mortgage and some utilities and I could not get a job so the house I personally worked years on as did my ex had to be sold. He was far to busy to notice. But I lost all of my collage papers and work and equipment after just having my best show up (my opinion0 at Cazenovia College. My work was stolen from every storage and house here to be used by someone else.
By the time I was through 60's Flint Jr College (I knew Clara Mott from ballet and toe classes together and one or two trips to American Ballet to demonstrate children's ballet choreaogrophy by Pat Robinson now Shaw. Motts had to have known my ex husbands millionaire food family from their air conditioning work with them. They and Booths at nearby Cranbrook, decided if John used my ancestors for his purposes they would find a Saaranin needed to bust a building trust. My cousin I think found that way while they were moving my background to theirs so the girls, models could use it at yacht clubs and country clubs possibly with my dads cousins children in university development (Mallory Simpson) from Philadelphia and Maryland. Dads cousin was a Philadelphia mummer and yachtsman. My dad was the master diemaker working from designer dies produced at the near Birmingham MI experimental studios for GM and NASA,. My dad was one of the only million dollar computer users in Flint. My cousins decided to make him a factory worker, trading his ancestry which may have gone back to William of Orange ' as claimed by one firebrand minister shipwright grandfather of my dad Desmond Walker Waiting...for my cousins foundery job. My uncle samuel Waitings step sons also still have the boats my dad made all the brass parts for while Sam built the wooden parts and sails. There were three as far as I rememer grandfathers or older sea captains that my dad sailed round the horn of africa with. I suppose one might have been the shipwright delivering island hoppers There was australian peoperty still claimable that I was not even told of.
I believe it was used by cousins to bring their cousins here to attest to all the false Nelson genealogy expecially police made up for my aunt and uncles police friends. Lies to be attested to as my father's family not my cousins cousins..
The Shipyard burned down during the war IRA or Germans. A bomb leveled the home in Barrow and boats and all the people around the dining table but my grandmother and my dad and his brother who were out. She moved to her former family seewing rooms with helpers to a ball gown maker with many helpers and sam came to the USA first after serving in a hostile Irish Guards. He took part in many firing squads and ripped his own birth records out of English books so the IRA would not follow him Both my dad who came here at 15 and Sam had a permanent death sentence on them because his grandfathers were hated owners of English business on Irish soil which was defended by scottish relatives if necessary on horseback....loaded in Scotland at great danger to all helpers. My dad sailed in better times with his grandfathers. had one towed tgboat turn over on him, came up in a bubble and a hold was left open and he almost broke his back. He sailed round the horn of africa with his grand father under full sail.. He was 15 when he was on a boat to america with his passport made out for the fourth of July. (have passport) There is a list of papers I could copy I am putting on disk if my cousin have not stolen them. They stole a lot of my pictures and papers as well as all the old and rare pins from my homes and even banks. Why they have cloaked their thefts and Jacks with SU Pulic relations mystery...or cover ups.
My ex who was asked to join the cia at one point in London... was apparently allowed to use names formed around my father's lost N.Ieland shipyeard, boats and home in Barrow in Furness and Australian property handed to him or my Scottish American cousins to use with my ancestry by the Mormon Nelsons and Catholic Other's possibly Tex Schwitz Cranbrook sculpture professor now supposed dead in Texas, sculptress girlfriend working from the beginning with BAgnascos and GAlantes and Luccianos to forge Royals and get into previously shut doors of Orange lodges. What they did not find they left in false information because ncient background information had been lost held in Orange lodges that were burned and bombed as their property was. I have been writing protest letters to government agencies mentioning this before recent films came out about how background was hidden by churches to protect unknown living heirs. I as to receive money in my elder years but that was also false.
JackNelson who had been hired no doubt by my in laws or my aunts family were dog breeders and revereds ? genealogists that found wives for foreign students or looked up ancestry. If not Mormen then they worked with mormon records.
They had to have started working on backgrounds of dancers and actresses that left for Hollywood and wanted to add some shipbuilding and sea captains to color up their movie PR. or find a rich husband after being Miss Michigan . My sister in laws family were millionaires in the beauty supply business, one with a brain damaged daughter I thought was downs. MY aunts Galantis in Gross Pointe had a downs dughter. My cousins and their polio and Muscular Dystrophy had to have gone to them for funds and a lot of bandsmen joined them when they modeled or their children were Jerry Lewis poster children. My dad had asked andrew not to marry Francis because her children carried the disease they fell off their boats as adults.
I was a dancer I could have gone to American Ballet to school but I wanted to finsih college. The handicapped met Oscar Krasner Jack and my ex's gallery and his Hollywood clientel and all went out to Hollywood. My son was younger than all of our friends children they were his cousins age. Thomas's asked my son t marry a older I thought downs girl and I did not speak to them much after that, they just wanted to use his name now I wonder if my Warnock(ex R Allen Mack) was using the name ERic Allen Waiting here and my mother's address before I came down. I had my mother's durable power of attorney since 1981 (still ave papers) when her psychiatrist insisted I countersign anything. The mormons and relativs were oving on on her banks and house.
I believe Jacks Haitian and possibly Hamady or Sefa cliens were were met by my uncle Andrews children looking for a cure for muscular dystrophy and polio and all met handicapped students of famous actors. I believe they sponsored the Miss's going to Hollywood. They actively helped re arrange meeting places in Lebanese halls or PR trying to get their money did.
All of these people thought nothing of making my parents, me and my son poor after taking our entire lifetimes for their profiling and false background projects, personal and Dome, stadium. They then added taking my art work and making sure I could not make any more art work while they harassed me or my property daily, or ate away my stomach wondering what they were doing to my only son while SU and other schools pretended my aunt was me and she took her rich mafia relatifes on trips with their new relatives to al lthe sites of her background stolen from me. I suppose all of she and her many family friends joining in added it to other faculty as my sister and my ex's cousins did while my ex ignored the whole thing and did his sculpture.
The ex MP Coast guard step Cousin Glenn Tansley, he who helped first steal my property inherited from my uncle Sam Waiting the minute I left for college: They met the MP Coast Guard Bell in my ex husbands family in REal Estate Calfiornia and Florida and he was made job services officer here after or while he made his money with all the food and restaurant people moving South., He supplied potatoes to restaurants and made a million.
Some of those restaurants were probbly Jacks friends in education also making films (ex mafia families) Also filming SU and Bostion Art and REligion educational series with my aunt Isabelles in laws that buried the Mafia in the 20's. they were e also related to some mafia still still in entertainment and restaurants (Montreal?) and running the NY Docks. They supplied money to charity of Sir children, enabling planes that could be used...and protected apartments for jacks handicapped workers. Jack was fired at one point for injuring a student. He went full force into the fleecing of my parents and me of every piece of historical pin or document, magazine, to be copied and passed out by his lunitic fringe mormons ...while my parents were attacked by disease that was poorly handled s they were wanted dead.
Vacationing married professors SU Cranbrook NYC and St Lawrence brought their girlfriends here and all could use their false Dr. Names started by Jack. There are two books describing the Mistrss of the Lords managing the West Pasco Coloney British station using I believe Lewin and Engbritson to get even more phones to prove his authenticity while he surrounded and stalked me and my son and even my ex with his false genealogy workers and live experience writers chaing one life for another . They were folowed by university and private school investment and real estate that included non UN countries reps, dictators foreign stuents looking for wives and new backgrounds. Jack had been PR and unofficial consul for Haiti and probbly handled Yaws cure doctors as well as poets and advertising writers. He probbl will have a disk to make me a Spanish Haitian while making a Haitian my N. Ireland relatives his idea of a Polish Joke. All of his Polish friends had to be British. Me and my son and parents had to dissapear for that Ithaca Viking bar and farmer Slapsides Ohio NY and MI joke.
All decided to crush me and my son for their attorney forged backgrounds starting with Hamady and other food store beauty queens, acresses and dancers leaving for Hollywood that could then help get celebrities to help Flint or MI based charity. Jack brought in Advertising and gallery and museum people.
RAF staying at my cousin Bob WArnocks probably had the idea forst to come back to the states any way they could. One must have become my sister in laws Lee background. probably ended up a Ad man in syracuse. Why my cousin is still stealing my art pens and stole a lot of famous cartoons when I first moved here by George Fisher. I thought my ex might be in the area soeday because of USF and he and my son would be able to meet at my and my mother's house. I did not know just about everyone had been promised the house by then it was probbly thought of as the perfect place for all of jacksnew friends to be a time shre while they looked for small houses because they could not sell their large ones in falling down flint.
My uncles got interested with a Mormon Stock Brokers wife that helped get my ex husbands fathers money that he should have inherited or my son to themselves and their friends I think by bujilding a think tank in Syracuse that followed me here where they could let my cousins play with my phones and computers as well as test tracking divoces to make themselves a 2000 prisons where ex husands family could rob anyone divorced of everything they supposedly won while making sure they had no jobs and were attacked on personal levels that gave the men honorary viking pig status. They had the help of a lot of men looking for american wives at dance clus and women who liked to dance changing backgrounds to fit the type of dance they liked. Most decided on Saltire or friday nights in Dunedin and they wanted backgrounds to match. The military men started helping divorced men in the area harass their ex wives t get children removed from them. They who were out of work did not have to pay support then to women who still had work in the north.
Jack had lots of slapsides stories about how his friends ruined their wives collections before their marrige fell apart and they and my sister in lws banking friends who taught her how to rob banks when her husband died had the help of Mormons connected with banking here and volunteers everwhere.
I have lost a lot of money through others being attached to the money I won in my divorce which was dragged over four years of constant ignored harassment until after 1986 so I had to take cash and trn it into Real Estate I did not need to flim flam it away sneakily and with attorneys and stock people working with my ex husbnands family...or the physicians that were all invsted in the area. I lost my sense of humor now after 23 years of not knowing where my son is after he had at least three attempts on his life as a child before 1985. I have been robbed by every relative I had and faculty friends joining them to dance scottish dances and all getting travel grants to go make up their genealogy while my son and I were not allowed any travel. i don't think my ex ever traveled or went to a dinner unless it was with a student or his sister. He brought home gold jewelry for his lady friends and his sister or my aunts have had the nerve to steal everybit of gold my dad gave me, or I bought myself...even breaking into a safe I bought.
I have turned in insurance reports with pictures and police reports. When theyare not there a few weeks later they say it must have been false police.
Some of the Logans had to know the second Mrs. Weir.proobbly related to my ex husbands Detroit cousins. The Logan I knew as a piper all through my life as a scottish dancer (I also studied ballet seriously) Mr Logan now appears to have me mixed up with an Ambrose or rich farmers daughter he dated from Swartz Creek when I was on the same school bus. The same ambrose that liked doing little fun jokes and tricks with my ass cousins through high school. She invaded the studios with all her Swarz Creek and Texas aloe investors to spread more of my cousins slander. she moved in with my attack in laws around my parents here after my cousins cut off telephones and grabbed mail and presents. I asssume all part of Mack Truck investments with my in law Macks or Mary Mack my ex's first wife who hung out with karens performing arts druid or cemetary goddess group. meeting mary mack and Toby and their druids that also used to visit Syracuse. Barrow in Furness is also a Druid burial ground in ancient times. No matter where I went in life I had those two slandering mouths and a pack of lying reverends around Bishop Airport making up lies and false genealgoy while they made up royals and indian princesses to sell while jack and his Rodger Scott possibly Yannow friends placed false papers inold houses with the excuse they were looking for old ESP equipment used by fortune tellers. Why the ESP angle in the creativity study that linked me and David Black together at U of M with Richard DeVore and others saving Cranbrook and trust busting by finding a Saaranin to make changes to CAA property. Saaranin Swansons Architects and Rich Swanson Bagnasco related people helping Jack the fencer who knew all the Youngs that taught at Flint Jr College.
I am tired of all the men who e mail me sometimes with some of the most unusual things to say about not getting around to me, or do you rememer when we were smooching on the airport etc all around that same Bishop AP mess that I think is Alderman.
I have one son that was first not allowed toknow my parents, and then I was told I would never see again by the Alderman who lost his client my ex husbands case. I am not allowed to know where my son is being held or passed around without money after being promised millions. They did not say when they promised him millions that he was first supposed to marry an adult woman as a child or until until Bob Warnaock and Karen Ambrose and the Swartz Creek Cheerleader ancestor change society had to move him here to batter with the Harrotunians busy turning out Turkish relatives of theirs and Rep. Nancy Hoffmann (Jeri Nelson?) Nelson Indian princesss. All realted to my uncle Jims black wife no one ever heard of until bands needed students in scottish named High schools or tartan clubs and deicded to hfind family from the Ambrose bar..Flint..then old slave trails in Syracuse...for the Nelsons to find real scottish relatives to sell CAA weaver tartan and genealogy by Nelson and students to teach drums and pipes too in black or arab Dunedin.
After raiding my houses for valuables books papers WW2 anything to pass out by a Horde of Jack Nelson and Everson Museum Directors, Syracuse Attorneys started beinging in people from other countries reaalted to my cousins cousins, supposed to be my and my dads relatives? to lie about backgrounds of what was becoming a super medical and hospital investment family. They also had a lot of colorful ex Mafia charity money, planes to use. I had no little representation by my first attorney Dicaprio (hope not related to actor) while he and all of SU and Dome fell over my ex sister in law and daddy waiting for him to press money into their projects.Anything goes and it did go with all of my most valuable things, my education my art work and my only son's whole life, down a Jack Nelson James Harathies, Sidney Manes Art Legacy and possibly the MacDonald (and Mitchell) CIA of NZ and Australia large N. Ireland drain of false genealogy made up around my dads grandfather's N.Ireland shipyard.
All this new SU and Syracuse Stage and Hollywood and English Sir genealogy was a figment of Catholic and Mormon creativity and a Devore/ Rodgers/ Nelson Young possibly Scott U of M Psych project in Flint MI. I have not been told the truth about anything my relatives have been up too since I was born. While relativesof my aunts husband and those related to my ex husband Rodger Mack's ,Wallet Bell cousins from Detroit? They were Irish/Serbian Barberton, related to my ex's cousin Bonnie Bell and her almost ten children. Her parents lived in the Ranch Mobile Park Clearwater after Barberton Ohio. Ranch Mobile had the same street names as Colonial Hills...they must have received parents and my mail, we lost xmas presents every hear.Mrs Weir (Goddess II) was from Livernois near Detroit. She married Bob Weir after taking care of him (nurse). Bobs daughter as married to her son but they still fought over his house and crockery.Weir II was always friends with my aunt Isabelle, and probably her Sabitino Bagnasco sister in law (English). The sister in law is maybe married to a Lockwood or Lockhead with throat cancer that painted the crests in Dunedin SAS.and Karen Ambrose (Mrs Dr. Anderson?) Why the bartender at dads Sunshine Cancer club probbly (also Looksoods club) helped someone steal my best dollhouse or aunt. Warnock thinks of himself as a catroonist and has been stealing all my drawing pens of late..Bonnie Bell is probbly a Scottish food family from Scotland by now (maybe Bonnie Braid) from California?) Sefa added amptje fppd family with Blacks as well as Haitians (Dr Rodgers?) all are probbly still friends of my aunt Isabelle and Karen Ambrose..Anderson/Warnock/ John Vanni and Hamady Sefa:Flint Scots house bamd guy brats, catting around in Oberlin College Ohio.There were lots of pictures of all of them together with Mrs. Galante (as MacGregger) and Julia Thomson, also with my millionaire mother in law as MacGregger, all now stolen.There were pictures also of them them and my parents with Tansley, Dr Smith and Swanson, Julia Thomson and her Mr. Toby (brother? Half of that group had to be going Scottish with Nelson/Thomson and Booth Bagnasco genealogy, added to Nelson Mormon Genealgy and an investment ponzi of Syracuse Doctors and professors. They all added to Detroit Booths Wayne state Booths and their Simpson Flint Jr College friends and Simpson Tansley friends at U of M.Bonnie's ex husband Bill was a super RE person California and Florida.All those pictures were stolen.War broke out here when Mrs Weir the (2nd) tried to grab Bob Weir's daughter's house and scottish things when he died. Everything willed to Bob Weirs daughter. She howeer was married to Mrs. Weir the second's son? SU Nelsons maybe some physics people that wanted a fancy background for their daughter made them all West Point drawing master Weir's relative. Jim Young and his Mahon in laws have been very busy with their plantation genealogy while Kathy sold tickets to new relatives steaming down the Miss on the Delta Queens.You must know Mrs Bell/Weir she was very cute and lived up the other end of my mother's street, where a Kessler was grabbing my mail. (maybe had a son that killed a nurse) Any idea what they have done to my son?This would make her also part of my mother's (cocaine dealer now reverend) Ironton Ohio (or Lawrence O on plates) Thomas family My sisters in laws Millionaire Strongsville Ohio family.He tried to put Mrs. Higgens eyes out as a child, not a nice person and was convicted of Cocaine sales in NPR in the 80's.He visited next door every winrwe (farm winters I suppose). He knew my uncle Bill Young that was dropped at my parents. The police here wouldnot removehim. Bill probably even drummed down at the KKK Tarpon for for dinner and Drinks at Denneys ...with the Irish cops that Bill and Isa 90's KKK pictures as well as Fife and Drum pictures Flint. KKK. His name on Police band pictures was Fitzgerald (form of Irish Desmond/Ormond). Mormon PR was maybe cleaning up their act while cleaning up pasco and Little Rd in late90's. Someone stole an expensive book about irish great houses with Ormond Castle.right out of my mail.I have some of these articles from papers 80's 90's.. There was a huge court battle here between Wiers daughter and new wife over the house and things in it. Bob Weirs daughter's daigjter is possibly doing genealogy for Serbians and Polish Warnocks and Bagnascos (Isa's sister in law) with Polish Mafia Swartz CReek and ftheir investment and foreign doctors (Sandy and Sharon also in the IMA June Taylor line, were daughters of Chinese doctor by Swartz Street (Lai LI?).in IMA and GM shows. Their mother might have looked like me in pictures she had same long hair, she worked in a cosmetic counter job at old Edwards store I think. Sandy died, her husband was a hood (Polish or Czech like Julia and her brother here. They were in laws of Joyce Halka,, her husband became a big deal in a package company UPS? Karen Frost marred a Holiday Inn guy after a McKinney. She probbly used his name as her own.All of Swartz Street and Tampa Polish gong Scottish/Hollywood and Dallas Cowgirls with Karen Black/RaY, Kime and Swanson Cranbrook prople. Mrs Bells daughter maybe related to Gross and Sorenson at Michaels (Bagnsco also doing false genealogy with SU Jack Nelsons or Billy Bagnasco)/ Paid for bymy sister in laws daddysmoney making her a Mr Clemens Jobs Daughter with the extra robe my aunt Barbara made. She died really early in hospital for something not supposed to be bad also.My son could be stuck in a Tenn. Commune with old Scots house bandmembers and Ohio masons that went Nelson Mormon for Jobs in this county : Or got money to be in med research projects for husbands of? (Ambrose Simpson and Barbara Evelyn or Suzi (Hare) Young).. I don't like the idea of my son being in their hands with no one checking on what they are dong. Tim Black, Karen Black's relateve was a student that helped close the Ark Arts Center...he also as living with a MacIntire (Satanic) student in Ark . I think also one of the Flint pipers or drummers whos kids got in that Flint Jr College Playhouse that went druid or voudu. Karen used to go there after work and meet warnock and Sefa why they were all ready to play tricks on me. with Ebert...they brought it down here and to New Orleans with Sondra probabay who also married a Doctor. Does anyone know where that commune is? Did they all move here?Mrs Weir (Bell) could not wear her kilts to Scottish dances here in 86.because of the court scenes.They have to be my sister in laws Barberton Ohio Bell relatives and BELL Livernois and Detroit family., Bob Weirs daughter married Mrs. Weir ii (Bells) son. Kept it all in the family .I think they tried to get me to allow my son to marry a downs millionaire daughter so Warnock could actually live with her and have a child. It gets worse and worse. Maye he did he has so many wives who would know. I saw a younger bob with puffier hair like Sherills and she may have had a lot of plastic work, might look perfectly normal now. Bill Logans mother is also in those Colonial Hills pictures.My aunt knows his background. I honestly think she intends on making me have her exact background right down to RAF boyfriends maybe adding in pilots that ruined other ohio women's lives here. (One married a friend of mine then went 'gay' after they bought a car and condo and she lost her alimony. Also I was to meet Bobs cousin Forsyth RAF.Now I think Mrs.Christianson, our neighbor Bd of ED who handled rooms my aunts black singing group met in heped her use my transcripts from Flint when she lost her sub job.Ballengers dad was Bd of ED also?. All had to have helped my aunt out when she was fired (with my transcripts) and share my art work with my sister in laws family while grabbing my valuables and art supplies to this day.My sister in law had millions to use of her father's to buy into this get everything of mine. and silkscreen all my paintings for Mrs. Capps to sell to Alderman hospitals..while wiping out my sons education. He could not use my background. While Jack Nelson,, Spanish architects, Mormns and Bagnasco catholics dug up invented and forged Royals including Indians for Nelsons and Ambrose relatives. Julia's Mr Toby (her brother?)a friend of Thompsons also in trials for mis treatment of Scottish 70's.Tom Bell was an MP Coast Guard and Glenn Tansley who has tehe model boats my uncle sam and my dad made (dad made the brass parts on his lathe in the basement) was also MP in the Coast Guard.The Teapot ownership wars are serious here deadly.. I had an Imirii Teapot (My Waiting Walker grandmothers) left at my mother's, she loed it, with special metal tops ...and all dads and Sams collections were here. The tops are probably with a Martin relative of Gladys Martin or her relative that met Syracuse Stage Art Storch while the married professors and their secretaries/girlfriends played/danced here.or wento their new orleans voudu parties on different days with CAA millionaires.. I think some of the dancers would up in voudu films too and wanting to be known for Scottish dancing. hand out the Haitian dancer for the court dancers....I am hopefully getting out of Florida before I get killed by the newest Warnocks Gilberts and Bells distant relatives looking for things for their false background or to get doctors for family to go to cut rates. My son and I were the only ones miding our own business in Syracuse while eerybody was flying in and out with their secrets.I think,when my aunt drops I will be plopped in the same plot as she is put to make us one.Asthey did in the old days. They may not like her anymore either. Just like the old Mafia days when Al Cpone as here in NPR with the Swansons running things 'right'. SU will throw a Nelson disk on their computers (full of false genealoty and es about being cancer prone) get peple on killer meds soon and get rid of the line for good.. Rich Polish,Lebanese turks Sicilians dictators and Haitian doctors all become one happy family all invested here with a way to get rid of people that don't agree withthem or wives that leave. All going anti Divorce Orange? I didn't know that Jackand Sarah started a Rainbow lodge there. The beauty Queens and Harvard Yard transvestite party and singers Syracuse Hotel create World Peace with lying Nelson and BishopAP genealogy and reverends.)I still want an address for my son. I refused to go to the nelsons house ever again when they were bugging Mrs. harathies while Kati got in with the Grand Lodge Scottish Womens lodge peple for someones greek background transcripts. Some Physics or Doctors adopted daughter. maybe all involved in the Devils Canyon Nuke plat with my parents.I am sick of being lied to for 50 year while relatives bujild a false world around me and their plotskis.Mrs. Weir lived right down the street from my mother.Bonnie Bell's Parents ( Irish Serbian from Barberton (Wallets)) and Ohio, Vannis',Warnocks, MD Simpsons moved in , as did Youngs,Galantes, Bagnasco's, Ogilvies, and Royals for Catholics and Mormons to sell. I was lucky to arrive alive and I am still trying to find out if my son is alive. I am really tired of the ex Flint Dom Polski slime patrol while everybody going Scottish, Shipwrights and Royals. Some of them are MackTrucks Ambrose and GM Motts, Carrier Stadium and Dome Sacco and 'Vanzetti (Isreal Walkers by now).. This is some scottish puddle here. I want to leave but I would like to know where my son is around all this new family, still signing people into his names the Millers of St Pete and Lennons and Kathi's Sirs on a Leash handicapped getting the big deals to charity events handing him the pen to sign them up while one of my cousins finds a piece of my papers or photos to hand them?
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