This is a blog of happenings of the last four years while the MacGregger? sisters pass out my property and my parents:inherited and from my marriage, divorced on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity 87. Married '63 to '87). They were helped while taking every dime I had and every part of the inheritence promised to my now 40 year son (I cannot contact him). They were helped by all of the friends who helped build a new family. The family that got Syracuse U new buildings. I was married from 63 t 87. The family (after 20 years of trying to find out what was going on for 20 years at all the private and public schools I or my son attended. The Tribe now includes an International Dictator and Mafia International members because of Architects attorneys and public relations people changing ancestry with me.This harassment continues for 20+ years after a divorce. Please see last four paragraphs.
I am having computer memory problems.
If ever caught enabling all of the pirates fleecing ex wives and their sons around New Port Richey FL a 70's built town): the sisters will all pull their wee empty pockets out and their nearby Sewing Circle of in laws, ex doctor or professor wives or mistresse,GODDESSES will open their wee empty baskets.
All will be sitting no doubt on their rockers on Wilson or Simpson front porches, in Orlando or Clearwater. They of course no know nothing of some poor ex relative gym dancer who refused to work (I could only land temp work never permanent work) and thinks she used to have property and a son..This was after a divorce and moving to the land of Serbian to Scottish/Irish Brigthemdown that surrounded my parents. My parents were forced out of their home in Michigan by their mall. I belieive this is a new debtors prison for women (after cousins or churches created the debts) populated by women who who do not do what their mother in laws in Ohio ask.
The 70's and 80's County of Pasco emerged in the environs of New Port Richey FL, which the now millionaire elders built with other millionaire families from their farms in MI NY OH MA LA Los Angeles and Miami . It lies between the sometimes movie towns of Greek Tarpon and Conch Hudson also Farther Down Hamtons.
The Sisters were all invented relatives of Scottish and Irish Sea Captain, the Ancestry of Desmond Waiting. His father a Sshipwright, had a father a Shipwright and another grandfather was a Sea Captain actually they all sailed ships. Unfortunately they all called each generation the same name so some other Eaton and Edmondson cound be pushed in.
Desmond Waiting (my father) had a cousin Gordon Simpson who sailed a racing yacht.
The friends (mainly at Fri night Scottish dancing) with all their money in this millionaire built town 'Brigthemdown' decided to make it a prison town around every woman who left their family, (divorced no matter what reason). They were helped by my aunts mafia related family that also wanted to spruce up their family with some boaters possibly missionaries on the Walker Side and their own Young side always in need of Salvation Army and Catholic donations
This enabled free travel for 'workers' and free private airports (enter Hancock and Bishop RE lawyers with house airports).
This town and then expanding their popular views to everytown USA and Scotland was an accomplisment of Jack Nelson, who was fired for injuring a student in a movie-a gag order by Syracuse University allowed all to work in secrecy. They worked first with Oscar Krasner and his gallery friends after meeting the parents of the soon to be 'Big Shot' in the family, my ex husband Rodger Mack. Rodger had a Fulbright and returned to NY and galleries that his sister and father met probably by the Fulbright travel company Isfahan and their Rowan agent. The genealogy office in those days was in a doctor's office. I think all already knew each other because they were working with thir Michigan Public Relations person and Genealogist Jack Nelson. Jack an advertising man that the Thomas's in laws of Macks or Bells contacted first in Michigan or California where Jack was he unofficial consul of Haiti,
I believe he was already working with my own Young family in Michigan.. Nelson and Youngs knew each other from Championship fencing. All knew of the GM Mott children, one of whom I ballet danced with, at either Janine Kimes or Pat Robinsons. Jacks other clients or a Simpson he met at CAA or U of M handled Lebanese, Haitian and Dictators using Nelson Mormons and other nearby Bishop Air Port Reverends and genealogists looking for wives. Genealogists were also getting money from parents of Scottish dancers who left Flint MI to go to Hollywood (to dance as harem girls in Bible movies) or modeling for charity (my cousins) who also wanted to color up their background in a good way for publicity and husband hunting.
It is my opinion after watching this Tribe for 40 years, that my godparents Leonard and Isabelle Swanson or my aunts Isabelle' Young's step brothers and a Miss Michigan Black family (actress. ex Miss MI) started using my ancestors. Possibly adding her RAF '40s Spitfire boyfriend who then became related to my cousin Warnock to get back to the States..then Lee possibly became Advertising man Lee coming over from England to be my sister in laws Lee name and Louisiana background with my uncle Jim Young and Mahons, Carpenters. I had to be erased with any son.
My parents unfortunately started their family later than the others during War time 40s. Then unfortunately the Andrew Youngs and Francis Furgeson (don't know the correct spelling any will do with farmer genealogy) children conracted polio and muscular dystrophy... as my dad predicted after Andrew told him he was marrying the lovely Francis. Her daughters are still mdels, one followed me to Cranbrook Academy 77.
Dad sailed with his Grandfathers around the Horn of Africa (probably among other things delivering boats) and to Australia where Sam Waitings owned property in the 60's. I inherited some things. No one wanted me to have it or know the location of dads father's shipyard in N. Ireland. Sam Waiting even grabbed his own burth Certificate from the town clerks so the IRA would not follow him to America after he served in the Irish Guards..
The Waiting and Walker Shipyard N. Ireland and Ships and Office home in Barrow in Furness were all bombed and the whole family died on my dads WAITING side, his mother and the brothers moved into her sewing room also in Old Barrow, : She and women she hired started making ball gowns. Sam left for America after the army. My my dad and his mother folowed arriving in Flint MI in the 20's. He was happy to come and made sure his passport was good for the 4th of July.
Dads ancestors were Church of England and Protestant Royal Orange Lodge members. One grandfather was quite mean, when he heard my dad still did not swim he threw him off a huge commercial dock so he would learn. Dad also was steering a tug boat being towed by his grandfather a larger boat from England to the Shipyard. When it was hit by a large wave and went over he came up in a bubble. He also survived as a cabin boy going 'round Africa , a hold door was left open and he fell in almost breaking his back.
I grew up near Swartz Creek, 4317 Miller Rd was a Flint address then My father and mother collected things every other weekend when we went to Windsor for groceries, vacations every summer. My parents gave me most of their collections and later whatever my dad and I inherited from Sam Waiting in the 60's when I was in college.
For some reason Sams step son Glenn Tansley who was also related to a inventor that my dad made the prototype of the Wilson Gun Sight for...he never gave him credit. Glenn a MP in the Coast Guard who eventually must have met my ex husband Rodger Macks cousin ex husband of Bonnie Wallet Bell. Possibly in Hawaii or New Port Richey FL real estate circles. Tom Bell was also an MP in the Coast Guard. He probbly met Flint Police in my aunt Isabelle and Uncle Bills circle of Flint Fife and Drum police moving here. My cousin Bob Warnock may have met the Macks in Lodi Grocery store and meat lockers before or after I married my husband who I met as a grad student at Cranbrook Acadmey of Art. I had a policeman cousin Bill Young I did not know of in Birmingham MI where my ex wlived with Mary Mack for a year when he was working on the Moon Car at the GM designer studio pre Cranbrook. Their whole family hated Mary Macks background. All of above then were changed into my background by making me my aunt Isabelle Young...or Barbara Young or a Bob Warnocks relative.
My aunts wealthy ex mafia or bury the mafia funeral home family also lived in Bloomfield Hills near Cranbrook Academy of Art. My and my ex may have known of my dad as he was an engineer who built the single master die from designer plans or models. He was one of three in all of the GM plants. He was probably the family's first one or three million dollar General Motors computer user: Although he preferred his log books.
My in laws were Polish and Serbian but loved to Scottish Irish Dance apparently and they wanted their daughter to be a Queen of Jobs daughters as Ted Mack had to be 32nd degree mason. My dads family were all old country Masons and he was also a Saginaw 32 degree mason Cathy Mack had been a Queen of Rainbow Girls.
My aunts family and my in laws family were met by Jack and he started switching ancestors. Ill bet he actually meant to be Admiral Nelson relative when the othe two went down in a Mormon Ponzi.
My uncle Andreew and Francis jumped in for money to California charitys and research how they may have Haitian counsul attorneys and Jack Nelson. My dads mother's relatives in Detroit, Salvation Army Middletons, possibly decided to be included in the plans to invest and built communities in Florida and Hawaii with the Galante's and Bagnasco's...or Alderman and Deitz Hospital and Airport Mall plans with Bishops and Swartz Creek Mall.
All were included in the changeover of my ancestors to their own. Art Legacy added in History and SU faculty and neighbors around my back with Attorney Sidney Manes. Nobody was telling me anything. I have formed most of this theory by computer post 90's and recollections of childhood conversations they probbly thought I did not hear.
Glenn Tansley helped the change over by getting a player piano with a lot of rolls and an antique missionary organ to my Cousin Bob Warnock, as if he was in Sam's Will. Also, Glenn or whoever he gave it too, used the Australian property (that should have been mine) to bring over false relativies or ex RAF to be Warnock's relatives...with all my ex husbands secretary's and assistant, his and Jacks friends, into the 'Family' through SU offices that Jack was allowed to use by moving Jeri in as secretary after Jack was fired. Also entering Deaf Clarks in Swartz Creek and Clarks with huge medical problems in SU. Performing arts Flint including set designer Mary Mack must have been entered in by Toby Thomas my ex husbnds neice and her Druid group also had a chapter in Syracuse with Masterpol Jacks Advertising company help.
SU and Saccos awaited their new Walkers and buildings or scholarship money possibly with Simpson at Cranbrook and U of M development help.
Most of my most valuable things were stolen right out of my houses throughout my marriage. I sometimes found Jeri Nelson searching for wanted items in my house. Jack and a nude model Sarah Spino to Nelson even stole my dads Orange masonic pins to write a book on the Royal Orange after Lawrence Schmeckebier wrote his book about Faberge and his Russian Princess wife through Syracuse Stage.
My cousin Tom worked with Bush Campaigns probbly around my ex's Sculpture stdio in Texas or around the Robinson Gallery that introduced Rodger to Kennedy family photographers. Robinson is probably a Robson Waiting by now. Arkansas politics and Rodgers Fulbright were used by Dan Teis and other PR also tied to charity and free travel by charity.
I did not know about andy of this and Phyllis Bagnasco and Tom bought a telephone company that is used in Pasco, Tarpon and Mt Clemens I believe to harass me. Maybe they got the original equipment from Nartonis or NASA junk yards with my father inlaw Ted Mack as my mother's cousin Buchanan and his retired telephone workers of Colonial Hills and Dunedin Scottish Americn Club Fri nights. That phone company in Tarpon Springs FL and Mt Clemens MI. offices.
I assume my sister in law used my own (made my deceased aunt Barbara Warnock) Jobs Daughter Queen robe when changed from Rainbow girl to Queen while Mr Mack became 32 mason. I hope but assume they stole my Scottish Dolls I bought here in Florida and replaced or stole them permanently to stand by her at Daughters of Scotia in Dallas.
Mr. Macks Ohio Masons have been using my dads friends after getting their children jobs in all of their millions of dollars worth of Malls and companies to bury my, my son, or my dads background and accomplishments. My ex husband's sister and SU secretaries. assistants and travel companions have been grabbing every record of my painting shows and exhibitions in museums pre 87 their children here ahead of my son and their friends making sure I am harassed never to paint again.
These millionaires have trusts that my son cannot use for students who helped with all this, or their children after SU and its Dome Travel (Mansour Travel, to Rowan Travel to Kathi Travel name un known and her employment companies and volunteers...helped my ex husband and companion drive my son out of his remitted tuition and sent him to Montreal where my aunt and her friends were making up Catholic and Mormon genealogy after meeting jack who should have been in jail as a pedophile. They had him hit on a hammer falling a long way, I think they then took him to a nursing home they bought in Scotland. I hope he was not on the Lockerbie plane, possibly he was there to help add names of fallen children to the 'family' investment or SU's.
Attorney Rodger Scott (forgery NY 90's) was an important man in Syracuse he was a attorney and PR for a lot of non UN countries as was his friend Dr Pritchard. Also possibly in Boyce Laser talker/deaf uses and music usees with Tom Bagnasco and Mitchells USF.
I assume my Nelson's finding a place for University Dictator friends also find relatives with Haitian doctors family's the first from U of M that cured Yaws and Charity,Thomas St Jude possibly and Jeri Lewis in California, golf and Michelson gallery and Michaels funeral...(I am assuming that Mike Bagnasco funeral parlors may be Michaels funeral, Art And Education RE)
Jack was also a friend of poet of wife of Pierre Thoby Marcelain (I decided to collect his books here inFL I was so sure he might be a Powell Advertising person also with masterpol. I believe now that headded in our first Ackerman Ave neighbors with Rodger Scott also from Ohio working with Landmarks and Radio people from Warren Street.
. The Ackerman house that was David Chase Advertising house before us must have included Chase in Jacks and Powells genealogy with a whole new group of Parkhills taken to Australia by John MacDonald and the Nelson and Mitchell Advertising and Antique car friends.
The Akerman house we lived in 10 years, looked just like the Ted Mack house in Barberton Ohio. Ivan who called himselve Ivan Tors when we first met him at the Nelsons first house off Ackerman. Tors are Viking churches...Haitian Vikings will be addition...I guess they will find a viking wagon in Marmalaude if they ever get the snakes out. He divorced his white wife. He looks just like pictures of Haitian poet Pierre Thoby Marcelain (sorry will correct. I assume more food for the NZ CIA and oOrange protestant harassment for fun by all the IRA relatives still in Ireland. Maybe their over ports radio broadcasting gave Jack John and maybe Christos who had his radio on the Cranbrook water tower???a guess...the idea for Kathy's private family telephone service over subliminal experimental channels on TV. I ssume why I cannot ever get anything but two channels. I don't hear you sister speak louder or get a phone. I hear your police palls and millionaire deputies on my phone somehow,,,that makes me crazy and the two other people that have heard them while we talked I suppose.
My cousin Barbara Young apparently followed to me Cranbrook in the 70's where she finished a course in jewelry/metalsmithing. I got a false Thomas Scholarship to Cranbrook metal smithing ut did not have silver enought to stay moved to sculpture and welding painting...I suppose I was thought to have returned on paper.
I am still under the influence of the Black, Galante? Thomas beauty family and their handicapped children joining the Youngs. Startingin the Birmingham and Bloomfield MI area of the Gedoes or Gaede Serbians were in Saginaw farms. The Mach's also had Nartonis family with Siamese dollmakers and owning a large junkyard and another had a h ospital cleaning business.
Somehow I and my son have to switch possibly why my dolls were stolen. I want my Saltire room back with dolls I made and my lifetime collectionof miniatures stolen last year from a locked trunk...I hink when workmen made me go out and switch off the water. Taken by a cancer club member that knews all my male relatives and John Sellers who conributed a doll house to get all my collection in one house that was to be given to my ex or his sister. I am supposed to be a garbageman or a hospital cleaning lady now possibly after being given a wrong disease diagnosis.
We three Macks, on our 2400 Euclid (Bradford Hills) acre and 3/4 Prevention Style farm/home...had to change places with the Ohio and MI farmers/Detroit Polish Irish and Scottish relatives that came here to lie for Mormon and Catholic investments families in Florida/Texas. After my parents were forced off their property (70's) by a Mall, by Airport Bishops who watched my uncle Sam Wingwalk for fun...also known to my aunt and Thomas's who were known to the Glanates beauty mafia... related (lucciano etc) , that built the mall across the street. Nelson Genealogy gone a courtin...Possibly another investor was Mack Trucks, Swartz Creek Ambrose with a home gambling club who knew my cousin Bob Warnock. He or police used to bring my uncle Bill an ex Jazz drumer back from the Ambrose Jazz Bar (black?) on 3rd ave close to Warnocks on Bangs street, where my uncle and RAF visitors partied with a lot of Flint and Swartz Creek doctors (close to Hurly Hospital) also knowing Bob Ebert my cousin's friend who's dad had a pharmacy and he became a Doctor here in New Port Richey. Bob later moved to a big doublewide on Detroit Street.
It has been an evil war trying to exist here. the thwartmob is strong. This blog is about the last four years that will only be cut down from now on so I can get rid of all the repititions. Like a mantra I wake and have to add it all in..also some entries get a memory disease that wipes out words or system or memory failures. I have to wait until I h ave a computer I can carry with me arrives. I might want to send it to my son so I can see his face as I e mail. I was allowed a few e mails this year but they have disappeared.
I think a lot of electronics people are invested in this new 'police engineering' and I am the monkey inthe 2001 to 2009 being used by Nelson Think Tanks as a point to aim their sound weapons to wake me up all night when I have something to get too. Waiter buzzer like...only sound? The inventors Shanley Wilson Dalton ? ? ? are having laser and computer engineering fun with my sister in law's Mall and deaf sound researchers that decided to make her dreams come true background wise while her new Australian/British MacDonald Mob hang out with Sirs on a Leash for Museum and College building and with a lot of famous parent handicapped children to show at charity events... to the glee of the research doctors getting funding. ..Jack and Flint Perfoming Arts and Syracuse Stage Performing events, male and female.
The religions were happy the Catholic genealogists first found Royals and the protestants found anti divorce and boating in common; the money showed up and all moved from wiping out Hollywood ex wives to wiping out University ex wives..also adding the Benevolent Jewish Genelemen's society divorce protection money.
This very long blog will be cut down when I get a computer I can I previously have not had a lock that would hold against police, fireman or army inventor locks... It can't be hooked to telephone lines. For some reason the inventors that all met FL to NY, I think Wilson Shanley Dalton (Walton Area Syracuse) also met builders Case and Hamilton FL, California Ark politicians and FL Boyce laser talker workers with Wendy Kline a writing researacher with her lace desk at SU (my stolen lace I assume) all helping Nelsons and Wendy and pass out research money. Wendy wanted all my stolen doll house things and the doll house things for her daugher. SU Advertising Mr Sellers was traded the house with Rodger Mack. The things i collected or spent a lifetime making were also wanted by my sister in law.
I assume she first stole miniature paintings at the Robinson gallery then she or my aunt needed my pastel flowers and dollhouses then my work got better and they had my acrylics and large paintings shown only to myself and some students at a Thomas Chapman gallery opening at Cazenovia College.
I assume my sister inlaw has all my things with her name on them. Why, Syracuse University inlcuded a picture of her or Sarah Spino on a small motor bike in a picture applied to a silkscreen I made for a photo silkscreen class I took. Time was short and the instructor said I had to include it but he did not show me the process. He did it.
How she injected herself or Sarah Spino into my work. Kathi then bought a silkscreen company close to her friends Art Storch and his Martin probably related to my mother's friend Gladys Martin. John MacDonald Jr was at Cranbrook many years doing silkscreens.
SU and probbly John MacDonald who's father John (writer and co founder of the USA CIA) also probbly also found a great use for my uncle Sams cross scar and Northern Ireland Orange background.
I was not actually shown the photo part of the process. To make sure I would not use the information outside. I also had my egyptian paste (ceramic bead) recipe stolen: it was from a Flint Jr College Mott Schools ceramics class. Richard Devore gave it to the whole ceramics class, t was taken when I wanted to make beads and jewelry.
I believe Mr. Devore as well as my Fencing teacher aunt and uncle helped start this ancestor change by including me in a Simpson? U of M Creativity Project . He is shown at the Everson Museum and his wife at the time 60's was a psychologist who probbly knew possibly Haitian Pschology Dr Rodgers and his Karen Black and Joe Sefa friends. Jack Nelson and my aunt and Uncle Andrew Young had to be already nvolved with a Bishop Airport sponsored black singing group. or Ballenger Field HouseBallengers in the Scots Band.
My aunts work with a Black singing group did not help her when she was fired from teaching because she used a name that they called each other in school.
I honestly think she used my flint Jr college then later my paintings when she got her Masters of Arts? I think Karen and Mrs. Nelson helped her use my transcripts (while adding in murals) from my parents second home in New Port Richey. Then later my paintings and collage after Ludwig Stein's offer of a studio for the summer turned into me taking my work t0 the Walton area where this group had moved into for investment. Jack maybe assumed the name Dr. Lewin? and lived in the Lhermans Landmarks building.
Mr. Lherman asked if I wanted to sail with his racing boat group as one member was out. We knew the Lhermans a little from the Gallery crows. It was a two in the aafter noon and I brought enough food for me and another person. I was the only one sailing the boat with mr. Lherman on a sunday with everybody on Skanealates lake. I think the boat was the Flying Scott and he and Landmarks Mr. Rodger Scott the attorney were trying to get everyone's wife mad at me. I had been sailboarding with another sound researchers wife on Onieda lake when my ex had his school at Triange Studios in NJ.years earlier. I was asled if I wanted to join the group that was supposed to sail at Rileys which was a bar that was reported as having a lot of ladies there before they were found sprawled over neighbors porches . I had promised to take my handiman out to dinner at pascals for teaching anothe painter to paint while getting my house ready to sell on my only paid vacation from a little Retail job.
The store that I had to quit was Flahs, they threw my stock in a dark room and forced me to quit leaving my sonstill there. I think it was a Thomas family Mall now and the girl at Addis I talked to a lot was Melanie Gilbert my cousin Bob Warnocks first wife.
Another work friend was Rosemarie Celibert whos husband a Malpractice attorney who might have represented me, 9was to talk to DiCaprio who was extending my divorce over years while my ex family moved in on me...supposedly died in Conn one night in a hospital for non big problem: and her son wa stabbed inCalifornia before we both left in 86. She invested millions I think with the Yannows and disappeared to me.
She told me to call a Dr. Anderson at Tampa General Family Servide to get her address in 86 if she lost my address. I did not know Karen Ambrose Cooper who had started visiting my ex at the studios with her Aloe cosmetics company (looking for investors-maybe got a Thomas or two). When I called a secretary returned the call saying they never heard of her. I found out later (she was in a lot of pictues with my aunt Isabelle and my parents) that she had married a Dr Anderson who she probably met through my Young Charity and Yacht club and Counry Club catering. They also catered at Cranbrook.
My ex husbands assistant went to Schotland where she must have met my aunt and all the mafia relatives now in hospitals, nursing homes, employment restaurt people medial anf funersl. Her son was all of a sudden an Alderman relative and they had Turkish relatives that were proably Ozel Case also from Swartz Street and Robertsons also were on Swartz Street. A block of Miller Rd ancestors must have become Swartz Street and Nelson Linden Road (shere they had a small food and gas store.
As Sarkis Harrotunian was studying copyright law he could solve my sister or my aunts problems stealing my work to use as their own.
My aunt Isabelle went to any reunions Swarz Creek HS or Cranbrook with Young me. I think they started catering with an ex Monk at Cranbrook that used to cater the Mafia on the water being buttered up by the Catholic Church Detroit, he catered at Cranbrook facuty dinners and my ex asked me to try working with him once...but I don't cook have never served. My ex tried to make my son a waiter at Pascals. Someone messed up his new shoes. I gave up trying to get a job in an office and signed up at Innisbrook for coffie morning serving work and it ended up wrong directons on everything including huge caldrons of coffee that people had been scalded before trying to use (wrong directions in four inch lettering above them) and outdoor work all day bussing if no coffee appointments. My relatives have done the same to other Ohio ex wives of restaurant business. I might add here that one of the Bagnasco relaties was a Montral Randesiasi a Bonnano mob (non australian friend mob then) 80's family...they got off in Montreal because of a spelling problem.
I might add in here that on my ex's first divorce(one year marriage Mary mack) and credit papers some of them had Rigger Mack. His middle name Allen has been used to include an entire new Allen family, On our divorce papers his name is spelled Roger..correct spelling Rodger. Rodger Scott or Aldermans appear to be Mafia attorneys. Wendy Kline's father is perported to be a Mafia Attorney.......
All churhes and clubs need to stay open after the Flint and auto business failures closed towns. Churches have decided it is profitable to be liberal about ex mafia as the attorneys here have.
I have no problem being related to ex mafia unless Mormons are grabbing my ancestry to give to my aunt and handng me a spanish prostitute or Detroit Serbian Hotentot Irishwoman background while stealing everything I have including my only son. The mafia was here with the Kennedy bootleggers and filmstars like Gloria Swanson...they had a great time here vacationing from their 'offices' in Chicgo. They seem to be great friends with the Mitchell and Mott dance crowd, I love dancing.
This takover of all employment from behind the scene including millionaire deputies showing up at robberies with phony cards came about because police starting in Lodi Ohio got free pipers (probably friends of Vanni and Warnock at Oberlin College) ord drummers and fifers...the Fife and Drum Police band Flint friends moved to Ohio.
The Irish bands were the ones my aunt Isabelle and Bill Young were in gthat got to Florida Mass (Jacks film maker friends in Art and REligion for TV movies) or his Spino friends doing videos in California for Ed. They got here long before me and my sons disappearance.
They were met by the Wallets (Bonnie Bell's) family Serbian Irish now Scottish Irish like my in laws probably: Or they were met by my aunt or her English sister in law: Or Swansons who used genealogy to fiind a Saaranin at Cranbrook so they could build a new libraray underground and add a road. The Youngs catered the roadwork.
Mrs. Julia Gedoes Mack died ? and from her ashes rose the formidable Mrs. MacGregger and money for all of Mrs. Hancock and Bishops women's work in Syracuse. She is said to have Alzheimers and abides with Simpsons in Orlando where many of my ex's students got Mickey Mob work.
My son and I went down the N to South drain as did my parents being attacked all the way by relatives doing their work for the Godparents...mine, Leonard Swanson photographer then I guess advertising, and Isabelle Greenfield Young. Bagnasco
Unfortunately my aunt and I are not very far apart in age and they have many plastic surgeons probbly Miller or Lillian friends of all the Everson Dallas St Pete museum ...on the Nelson Masterpol advertising and SU Religion and Chancellors side.
I will put a picture of me here when I have a computer I can keep memory in. Also my resume for painting after my BFA '63 at Cranbrook. I don't think my education was a waste but my relatives all made it more useful for moneymaking even a later 2003 diploma in Accounting.
The Andrew Youngs lived in Birmingham MI a stonethrow from Cranbrook. They by the time I arrived in Florida had a Bill Young policeman that survived MD, I never heard of him.
My uncle Jim was supposed to have had a black wife. I never heard of it.
Cranbrook along the way found a Saaranin to trust bust...using the same genealogy that my aunt stole my life with. (the one used possibly by the Macks to remove me and my son from a family trust or will) we were equal partners with Cathy, Terry and my neices. We were taken out when I would not let my son marry a Thomas daughter, who was Downs or brain damaged they wanted to use my ancestry they were multimillionaires also. Cathy robbed their bank to get money when her husband died.
Maybe my cousin did marry her as well as three or four Gilbers? Then they had all his children with one name to marry off for 'family' building, good or bad, switching my background for my cousin Bob Warnock.
My parents or I never had my aunts correct home address. She used a Roeeville address of a Mrs. Mertz or a first house with Mike. I found her real address on White Birch, Bloomfield MI (will add exact today) on Computer and a trailer in Shepherd MI. I think close to Alma College and Jula Thomson who knew Dr. Thompson and Dr Toby in photos from my parents home.
At this point I am not sure if my ex was drugged to be a different person, when he was dining at Greek restaurants with Wendy: or he just wanted out any way of the whole situation: Or if my aunt faked a beating with bruses to match what they knew was being planned in Syracuse.
But, I believe the Youngs Nelsons and Bagnascos followed me all my life surrounding me and my ex and especially my son. They drove us into smaller and smaller and worse housing after having the best in Bradford so they were the always rocj relatives and giving us my son and I their poor beginnings, there is not much smaller living space than the car they tried to drive me into so I would not go to a HS reunion last year. I am supposed to have no money or room for anything but moving to except a car or coffin. Like my divorced friends here I am supposed to just leave and give or sell everything for nothing and my son is not to be sent anything the SU mafia beak is not supposed to dip into first.
Crikies where was that australian property? Opps! one needs $35,000 to live there???Well what do you know it was worth something Mr. Tansley...
I have not been able to contact my son around Nelson and Hollywood and NYC Montreal ex Mafiia all relibions moving to charity sainthood and private school building funds. And elderly people who lived after their first warm and furry gifts of their ancestry and not having Irish
English or Scottish, African items to pass out as their own touchstones to having to steal my collections to give out over 20 years from my house and storage. With the help of all their business friends surrounding where they were stored.
I would like an address for my son around the Nelson genealogy and SU building Trusts.
My painting resume will be here by tomorrow, hopefull I can get a speller book and fix this up.
Charity family invented by Jack Nelson and his Mormon family and his doctor and attorney friends of his and Rodger Scotts Landmarks family which includes the James Youngs of Louisiana and their Mahon MacGreggers joining my aunts German Gregger and Duffy Mormon Greggs. would that be Simpson Stinsons?
Now all I need is a small tape of the Henry Boys singing a version of the O Brother's Soggy Mountain Boys OOODeath sponsored by Bagnasco or is that Michaels and Furgeson funeral homes pickers..
The reformed Mass and Hudson KKK
and credits will include the Goddesses of Cranbrook and Syracuse and St Lawrence sitting on their rocks. Water by whoever is invested probably Zepherhills...I think that would be the Yannows.
this is a whole different commetn after I corrected above...and it disappeared for the third time.
Three hours of typing disappeared for the third time.
It also contained possible reasons for the tie up of Florida and the Bagnasco's Montreal Rendasi esi (Bonnannos?) and how they got out of troublemis with mis spellings of names. Rendasi relatives of Bagnasco. Possibly suggestions of Alderman or Rodger Scott Advertising and landmarks actually related to Macks turned MacGregger and Bagnasco also changing Rodgers first cedit record and divorce to Rigger Mack, then in Fulton on our divorce papers it is Roger not correct Rodger Allen Mack or
The Aldermans and Bishops of SU and Flint Bishop AP appear to be same people who met my Young relatives catering and modeling for Hollywood charitys. Using charity airplanes to take SU and Nelsons and Cranbook people to N. Ireland where Jack Nelson and his mormons to lodges where Jack had left paper false documents. He did this with ghost busters and Landmarks people associated with Rodger Scott landmarks buildings and Warren street dance studios.
Wendy Kline was supposed to be the daugher of a Mafia attorney at SU. She maybe had a chair after beinging a lace designer with my inherited or collected lace.
Power of the Apple computer over the PC or the Bagnasco and Macks bought another web blog company to typeover.
I would like to know if my son is alive after reading Theo Mack returns from Lockerbie a year after the crash and no details of his live except a recent picture of he and a child delivered with a note to enjoy my family. I sent a few things which got a small thank you and sent some more and got nothing about if it was delivered or if the SU Mafia beak had taken things out of if there was an address.
I would liie the gang of detectives of clean up pasco or its sheriffs getting their funeral meat plantes possibly or pipers from the Macks and Bagnascos now MacGreggers and Buchanans off my computer..
Or the Furgeson / Youngs and their entire Glen Tansley employment and sending Warnock and four wives relatives through Australia on land that should have been mine in 60's, to pass out all the children possibly including a Thomas I would not let my son marry at 10 as his background.
My aunt had already used my ancestry, transcripts, then my work, and does catering at HS reunions and Cranbrook with a Young that graduated 77 who probbly started catering with a Monk that used to cater for the Church in Detroit wanting money from ex and present Mafia for charity work.? note ? comments?
I assume RAF Lee was added to my sister in laws Lee and she will be with him and all other SU and Advertising and Military people that the Masterpol Nelson and Powell and their Haitian, and non UN countries trying to get into UN and other military getting new ancestry with dancers from Flint MI with Lebanese benefactors starting with my dance teachers and Karen Black. They then moved on to my Young relatives contacts and Bell contacts in RE and charity in California where they met Hollywood people and Oscar krasner gallery and Robinson (my Robson Waiting by now relative) and a lot of other gallery people who all seem to know Part time
CIA with nothing to do but help their Disease of the Week Balls and Parties. at the expense of divorced people and their children.
Well I have to go get dressed. it is ok to sleep in when you are under 65. Anything over that the relatives have to be dead and relatives you never saw in your life are slathering at any gifts they think they will be giving away after you drop. The first batch cleaned them out and now the grand children are having grandchildren and I have to pay. One old dude at the top is still alive and well with four doctors holding him up...the only thing he gives to is Charity.
The men who helped my ex get his divorce from unpopular background Circus owning family Mary expected to get asked to be witness against me I suppose if they were needed. They have been friends with his family or given help to get jobs back in the 60's.
The people who hated schools or SU intended on getting paid as witnesses and will those used as examples of people robbed by surrounding private schools will get a $.50 cent group settlement.
People protecting genealogy or their new family stories written by writers like John MacDonald or Wendy Kline, possibly printed at Syracuse press with be hiring anyone they know to get rid of witnesses including docors or med. people in jobs that can make lives miserable as they treated my parents.
My aunt made my aunts 14 bridesmaid (the only reason she worked for a year at GM to pay for) wedding into her very mall wedding using my mother's veil made that my wedding with a borrowed gown and veil because we were saving money to go to Italy. The Veil was lace and had a long train and my Young family has it in their wardrobe from my storage and the get rid of Isabelle party that I had to pay $400 to clean up after.
As Blogs are a way that one can get information into the ethernet forever I prefer now to correct this blog. If they want to give my son the money he was promised or at least prove he was not killed as Tammy or Toby with a different name in a car accident or Lockerbie or more likely a fall in Montreal then later when taken to Scotland in one of the new Gedoes or Galante to MacGregger nursing homes disguised as a Mission for Leprosy, perhaps with Haitian Nelson genealogy docotrs, in a wheelchair with a lot of Scottish American Society Dunedin and Furgusons. That is where a Will or set of gifts was made up when my mother was supposed to be on a vacation with again my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young Bagnasco possibly she met Sheriff Wolf and is using that name now. Possibly as Kathi Macks name Kathleen.
A lot of people have been sworn to silence and had to be paid to witness.
The John MacDonalds and other FBI or CIA writers like John Jrs mother? or Rice SU Physics writer relatives in New Orleans....may also have been working for N. Ireland writer Steinbeck's N. Ireland family.
Steinbeck Northern Ireland relatives were reported in one book I read about the writer, at Cranbrook while writing 'Travels with Charlie'. He was visiting his Sag Harbor friends one a Silkscreen expert (Ramseys). Steinbeck's cousins rarely left their homes and never married.
Perhaps they were forced into their houses by their IRA or visiting Mormon CIA helping the Booths at Cranbrook find a Saaranin to trust bust for building buildings and roads with help of John MacDonalds from NZ or Australia. John Sr then Jr Utica NY, Saginaw MI and Maine genealogy writers...and Rhodes scholar Jack Nelson, (fired adjunct SU injured a student then possibly became Lewin and Engbritson in Florida and to use phones at SU) to make up all of this useful or profitable new Royals and CIA for work for spook NZ or for churches and genealogsits.
Information was possibly placed in old buildings by visiting SU Nelsons or Mormon 'ghost busters' or Rodger Scott Landmarks people for use of other countries CIA and schemes by Mormon Nelsons for "Pay here for your new background that goes with your millions" writers. John MacDonald Sr. I sincerely looking back over 23 years, with ex army PR Dunns from Ithaca NY papers and Dunn doctor and other doctor friends of Jack and their financial ponzi.
The MacDonalds (Booths CAA and Wayne State in laws of Isabelle Bagnasco) who lived at 4063 White Birch, W. Bloomfield MI or 11810N Lakeside Trail, Shepherd MI in the 1990s. I never knew her addresses only one in Roseville I belive owned by her friend Mrs. Mertz who lived close to the Weirs who married into a Bell family and that information also fed to Jack. I now believe they are Michaels Funeral and other businesses in the Pasco Co. FL area.
Jack and John did not know I had durable power of attorney over my mother (at her psychiatrists advice) since 1980; Mormons were moving in. John Sr may have been doing his Utica NY (Mafia) neighbors at one time favors for their help in the Sicilian invasion.
One of the tools of this 'family' is bringing superior women into their business and then firing them in a few weeks or months. Including possibly gyms who seem to have a very fast turnover of excellent looking and healthy women as well as their dance clubs both ethnic and social. I love my gym and do not wish them or anyone else harm but one never knows what goes on with any business I believe that is or has their accounting based in Mormon Utica as they plan to take over all education.
I know is my cousins and my ex husbands, stole my ancestry and my pictures for their benefactors. It involved Jack Nelson and Mrs Bishop and her ovenight conferences that my ex had to take my son to where he was sworn to silence or forever poverty or worse, he was apparently sworn by Sidney Manes and Art Legacy who set him up for all of this Tribe background changes in this third grade at Art's (part Gypsy) one room Children's school..
The CIA in the US possibly also the armed service cannot use the background of living people. Sometime in the Nixon (a Thomas and Mack favorite) then Bush eras: Jack and John hosted Australian false CIA, NZ or Australian and British background profilers stealing information and dads Royal Orange pins to get into N. Ireland lodges...for their CIA profilers and then Rich people with money to pay. I and my son suffered and they should not be allowed to get away with it.
I also think Motts and Carriers joined Booths in getting money for changing backgrounds of rich people stealing my ancestors transcripts and work for my cousins and their family and other's use...while cleaning out the Macks to MacGreggers.
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