e Mail sent today Nov 2 to theom@aol.com supposed to be my only son's e address: My computer is old. It does not correct and the memory is getting full. I have to live like an ancient indian heating mywater before use etc very time consuming. I sometimes do not have time to see what the printer has produced from what is on the file falling apart and just send things which shouc be worked on for a month or so.sorry. I am mad at this situation I cannot leave. I have been keeping a storage full of things I wanted to use my self and pass on to my son. It is constantly robbed no matter where I move it.
I also possibly sent some of this information out to two people near Syracuse to try and find pictures of my older shown work or information on whereabouts of my only son now in his 40's. I have not had an address around Rodger Mack or Jeri Nelson for 24 years while the Dome handled...our divorce. I won on paper Rodgers parents business and Jacks family Mormon genealogy used by Syracuse and MI based family moving South really won.
Teddy, I hope you can't be further hurt by the women associated with Masterpol and Gernhert Gallery and my I thought friends, and their children moving to Clearwater with Nelson ancestry made up by Mormon Nelsons or my aunt Isabelle's ex mafia family going into Mall and hospital businesses in this area in the 50s to 70's. Jack Nelson was a fencer (with his Haitian consul clients curing Yaws and other disease at U of M while he fenced with my Young relatives. Catholic and Mormon other churches around Bishop Airport that was probably used by Cranbrook students or other private schools getting rides from my Young cousins most who died of muscular dystrophy carred by my aunt Francis Ferguson Young.
Since that time my aunt Isabelle and dancers ahead of me in Scottish Bands or going to Hollywood with Lebanese Hamady Store (now PUblix?) benefactors of ethnic bands in Flint area since the 40's money. Their friends and students some dictator families have been using that false genealogy that I think also not only English used by my aunts English sister in law a Bagnasco possibly when she was a Swansons has my fathers shipwright and English in Ireland shipyard mixed in with a Jean Clark or Ramsey that was thought to be a Royal Stuart genealogy. My uncle Jim Young made up a lot of new Young stories as they tried then I think did by going into business with my millionaire in laws buy an institute turned into a Mission for Leprosy and other medical research in Scotland. With I am assuming Carrier Ohio and Syracuse money joining Mack and Bagnasco (Michaels?) money in this area of Florida.
I have had my aunt and cousins take over my life since a Masonic Jobs Daughters installation was held in a Lebanese Hall in Flint MI. My Catholic Young cousins were Charity Poster children in Thomas related chairity with their own airplane. The dancers that were my teachers in the 50's were then helping to bring celebrities to help the Young children glean money for medical research.
Jack Nelson fenced with them and his Mormon genealogy and my cousins catholic charity helped b ring my Serbian and Polish, other nationalities to this area joining Mafia attorney interests (Alderman and Kline?) to Cranbrook already invested here with my Young relatives who were Cranbrooks neighbors in Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham. My step cousin was job services officer here, he helped my make cousins get my fathers and Sam Waitings Royal Orange pins and old papers when their ship captain and shipwright grandfahters were in wars with Orange still fighting their own Irish shipyard ownership wars. Their property was destroyed burned by IRA and Wartime bombing. The last Australian property appears to me to hve been taken over by John MacDonald and others joining Flint genealogy to theirs possibly to aid their MacDonald CIA that they started after John MacDonald Sr writer started a NZ branch of CIA t studey formerly closed Orange Halls remaining open after WW2.
This blog takes up from 05 to 09 when I started one on AOL after starting to find information I had no knowledge of in the 90's on computer and first available to me by NetTV.
The new interest in hidden Royals and Masonic societies put forth in newer moviers (DiVinci Code came out a lot later than this Blog started in 2==5 when the first AOL one was shut down.
The following has parts of a letter to be sent out to collectors of my work in the 80's. I showed in quite a few museums but did not sell a lot of work. I have no slides and many papers and photos were shot to have additional people put into performing arts clubs that are now associated with my sister in laws backing of Scottish clubs and charity and catering started by my Young relatives who were given the contracts when Cranbrook found this new Nelson Genealogy useful to get around trusts that insisted a Saaranin ok new building plans. They first started helping CAA students when their planes and other charity planes became useful to students getting back and forth to parents from private schools after the Cuban invasion when my dad and sam offered to get students home during the expected Cuban invasion. My dad had pins useful to new Orange investigation by Young and other investigators who got Army grants with help of my step cousins in laws who also took the credit for the prototype of the first Wilson gun sight (possibly used by the US ARmy in a Colt gun) and gave it to someone else Andrew Young? or just kept to the Wilsons related to my step cousin Glenn Tansley in this area after my fathers Simpsons came to Holiday now Tarpon and all were part of the Scottish Dance and British Clubs.
I have not been able to communicate with my son after I first refused to have anything more to do with the Nelsons and their other Masterpol Advertising people when I heard Jack and Jerry laughing at Mrs. Harathies calling from Texas on holidays one xmas in particular from Dallas then making fun later of whatever was to be placed in her casket. I also realized that Jack had been a fencer in Flint MI (he was much older than Jerry) and must be down working against my parents for his strange religion relatives after some Swartz Creek people (Karen Ambrose and Karen Frost visited us) Karen then visited the studios and met a lot of women that had been married to doctors and were all going to Clearwater where Karen Ambrose and Kip Capps I now think had decided to go and by then were part of the Scottish Dance and Charity balls that my Young were while they took my valuables as their own for entertaining or to go with new MaxGregger genealogy they were including my in laws in with Young cousins brought here by Harrotunians and others by then working with odger Scott or Pritchards and Aldermans on new investments in Florida.
I or my son were not given any reason why the Nelsons were stalking my son through his entire education or why Art LeGacy and Art Storch were making up advertising and performing arts information for my sister in law to use with her party friends moving into a charity based Social set in Florida California and moving south with Carriers the Macks knew from Ohio helping my sister in law join the political Irish Mack family by way of my fathers father's Irish shipwright in Northern Ireland. Connie Mack helping with Kennedy and Mott PR people by then all wanting Bagnasco funeral and Mack Food money to join the original Lebanese and Sough American money already married into Flint genealogy and money for investing South.
They first took over my sister in law Kathy Lee Mack Thomas (Deitz)Thomas and she copies my work to use in Alderman and Mack/Young nursing homes, RE offices, and offices of their medical employment companies. My aunt used my dollhouse paintings or abstract art to help get a more varied Masters work or just to take my identity from Syracuse using Jack's and Rodger Scott and Yannow Mormoen investment dance friends on Warren Street and the SU Dome and dance areas Syracuse to Florida to introduce foreign studetns to american wives to get more investment in all moving South.
I think my ex was kept busy building foundries after jack was fired (he was supposed only to have had a heart attack) after injuring Sandy Lira in a moveie. He then decided to have all of my dads collections and start traveling with people to put false genealogy into N. Ireland and other places for a big Polish to British joke of his that was of interest to his Mormon family who worked with the Bagnascos or Youngs making up new plantation family genealogy to sell with help of Rodger Scott and Pritchards and other black/british genealogy useful to sell people and get them buying the new Young tartans that were not available when I was a dancer in the 50s for Florida schools nad private schools with phys ed or other tartan themes clubs and music lessons. Flint Scots house found a way to stay alive. Too bad my relataies had to steal all my parents collections and mine that were for my son to have as part of their Nelson and Alderman fun.(Kline and Goddess groups and writers surrounding all the new genealogy and fancy parties or catering for charity.
I am not going to continue as I have for 24 years now with my cousins making sure I never do any more art work while they go after me in a hospital with computer and whatever GM was working on in the 60s with the carriers and motts making sure their employees work stayed with them and did not walk away including art work.
Thoughts to an e mail address that as said by Jeri Nelson to be my sons e mail address, she also sent a picture recently when I asked for an address for an attorney to keep if I die to contact him. My aunt and Youngs have made plans outside my influence and against my wishes I assume already after stealing my valuables and work to make my aunt isabelle me and for her sons to use my sons to be inherited items with my cousins son who became an Allen to match Rodger Allen Mack. Glen Tansley got my inherited Waiting Walker property from me and gave it to my cousin Bob then he had his father's cousins brought here through my last Australian property? to this area to be police to help Millinaire deputies answer theft calls to my house and then return to take more for their new Police grant family._____
Notes to correct to use in a letter requesting any slides of my work in private collections that will be part of a non threatening sister blog to this sound off one. My I am sure genealogy regarding my fathers ship captain and shipyard ancestors. My resume as it applies to exhibitions and any papers I still have after 14 years of thefts. In case this new genealogy goes down like the NY Davis new Royals did. Probably also some of that genealogy also in Nelson and my uncle's Young Mahon New Orleans plantation genealogy I think helped by Rodger Scott and his two landmarks buildings and first radio station in Syracuse joining Jack Nelson and Everson Museum and Ithaca film makers joining in Hollywood genealogy around lint Starlets and their Lebanese and Haitian benefactors. Starting with Karen Black at Flint Jr College and Sefas friends of my cousins at the Scots House I rarely visited in Flint MI>
Note to Theo Mack e mail address: Jeri Neson has moved and there is no address to forward mail that I was to send money and toys too for about half a year. to Sept when I sent birthday money and a box that was supposed to be to xmas resents for a supposed grandchild. I sent half of toys, box to big. I expect I will get another false address to get things to a commune in Tenn where they make up Art LeGacy and Storch Martins Nelson genealogy to sell.
E mail sent around Halloween:
Theo, I think it is very abnormal that you cannot continue to speak or have an address unless you are dead and the Lockerbie money passed out to ancestry Nelson change genealogy people.
Theo, Hoping to get an address soon. I am not sending anything unless you can prove you are alive.
(I think he was sent to Scotland to their nursing home/mission after he was hit on the head with a hammer while very high on a radio tower (Scott/Nelson to FL radio work for my sister in laws free telephone taken over by Thomas and other Holiday men including a civil war group, maybe a ex cocaine Thomas now a reverend; and others manipulating peoples lives and property. Started possibly when Chris Popadopalous (now a Pappas Detroit Tarpon?) and John MacDonald Jr both students when I was at Cranbrook 60s used radios from the top of buildings or water tower to call home free. NZ or NH?
Copy of notes for a letter: Has to be shortened a lot. and things I thought of while I was writing it. I need to send to collectors of my work even if they were just f riends of my ex husband to try and get any slides of my best work to put on my own little site that will be kept for as long as I can after I die. I am 70 almost now and still very healthy. A lot happened to keep me from a Swartz Creek reunion and I expecxt more trouble before a 50 year cranbrook reunion. I assume my cousin Barbara and my aunt Isabelle attend as me any previous reunions with Karen Ambrose and others I have not received but one invitation in 1987.
This is a copy of an uncorrected letter that i should be sent to a collector of my paintings. Two years ago 2007 I lost my best doll house room with miniature hunt paintings, Civil war framed..expensive furniture I bought not part of a trade Rodger and John Sellers and a group of formal dressed Scottish evening dress dolls that I made, and a miniature Burns book I have had all my life 60 years or more and vases etc. I had it at my trailer to photograph after taking from 74 to 2007 to finally finish the room which was to go in the dollhouse that was part of my divorce settlement. My things have been locked up since 1986 and robbed while my relatives and peole who got jobs here with my in laws or aunts in laws chase me from one house to another, each smaller. Now I live in a Argosy 27 foot trailer.
+++++++++Send with or without information?
Dear Collector of art:
I am writing to requesting any pictures or slide I could use for a ancestry and my painting resume site (not a blog or Journal like a previous one with gripes about what my ex in laws and family were doing to harass me out of my collections and ancestry...for their social and charity work.
You did not see my best work that was shown in a Thomas Chapman opening at Cazenovia College in the late 80's, then in 1987 at a Lakeland Gallery now not in existance. I did not attend the second Lakeland show my car would not run the two weeks it was on. The Cazenovia show with my ex husbands sculpture, was not seen by many people...I not told I had to have a list of names for the opening and information on my very political paintings. I thought it had been given over by my ex. Clair Harrotunian had set it up and she apparently was working with Pritchards and my Young relatives moving into Hudson Florida with investors surrounding the new Hoffmann politics office. I think Jeri Nelson used as a politician so sons of my ex husbands friends could get part time CIA/FBI work with non UN country Rodger Scott and Pritchard friends and Florida investors. All stealing my and my sons heritage items with my cousins and step cousins distributing them or keeping them for themselves.
One painting was in both shows. A large collage of an Arab woman removing her mask, (Persion outfit, that of of a princess in about the same stance as a seated Tarot Card figure.; Part realistic and part abstract collage. Large but very heavy I could not afford expensive supports and Rodger had bought me some chipboard to use. I had been given some silkscreened poster paper probably from my sister in laws new Silkscreen business. If I had known that at the time I would not have used it possibly and the large paintings would not have been so difficult for her to steal and then say my larger abstract work previously shown in National shows was not hers also...as well as some miniatures from Little Rock and Dollhouse pictures. I had to stop painting in summers to work on our little farm and the work changed drastically with each years differnt themes. I supplied several people following their cousin Rodger's work probably or my aunt signing over me.
In the last 20 years I have not seen my cousins who kept me from painting and getting into Museum shows after I moved to Florida. I have not seen them since long before I went to Cranbrook academy in 1960. They moved in on me to switch backgrounds after my uncle Sam died in 1961or 62 will be on my genealogy site. WAITING WALKER. I am not sure of Parkhill additions.
My dad Desmond Walker Waiting called Cranbrook during the Cuban (almost) invasion 60's and asked if any students wanted to go home free from closeby Bishop Airport. I suppose they were flying with my Young cousins Charity plane or Lebanese Sefas etc. sponsors of Scottish/Irish bands or friends benefactors of dancers already moving into Hollywood Movies (work with Texas Cowgirls) their sponsors getting into celebraity hosting for charity at yacht clubs and country clubs....from 50's on.
Then my cousins decided to give away my work and possissions to their Syracuse friends daughters and people who had moved to West Pasco/Clearwater..getting involved with the medical people here in their combined investments, This started with MI and Calfiornia Jack Nelson Haitian unofficial advertising consul and genealogy, my cousins Youngs going Royal Stuart with amseys or Clarks Flint, and Simpson U of M relatives of my fathers cousins. Gordon Simpson was my fathers Philadelphia and Baltimore MD cousin who atteneded Annapolis and had a racing yacht.
I suppose my dads cousins Simpson unknown to me also worked with Tansleys against me. Dad had a Salvation Army aunt, both uncle and aunt (Molly Walker to Albert Simpson were both Salvation ARmy Captains). The Tansleys knew them they stayed with Tansleys and Shanleys afater they sold their Tarpon Holiday house on Country Club Blvd. That went with the Baltimore King Simpson relatives that lived across from the Baltimore Yacht clubv. They stayed with Shanleys (Tansley Vins cousins) proably my ex husbands Vanni's are related to Vins by now.
I would never have found out any of this if I had not divorced my ex or if NetTV had not come along. I found my aunt Isabelles real address for the first time on Whitebirch in West Bloomfield for the first time. he was supposed to be living in Roseville and probably set up the first Thomas so called scholarship to get me to Cranbrook. After the Galanti in laws met Thomaas also in the beauty business as was June Taylors family in Flint. She has ex dancers with her line (I subbed one time on live TV and with them for GM shows) June also has florest business in Dunedin.
My ex father in law went as high as he could go in masons and my dad was 32 degree Scottish Rites and Shriner for a short time in Tampa. My father in law was very hurt when he a millionaire was black balled by a Saginaw group of Masons. It was not my father. My dad as also refused a Shrine nursing home I think so my cousin Warnock relativeds brought from Scotland as my dads relatives would not be caught using my dads ancestry..by Alderman Deitz and MI FL Mall investers including MacDonalds?
I will be contacting anyone I can remember that had my work in their collections to see if they can send me slides or a picture to put on a CD and then on the web with the little bit of my fathers true genealogy I can prove, now stolen by Youngs and Bagnascos etc Wilson Tansleys.
I have not had a decent computer that would correct since I started a gripe blog to report things stolen, attacked or papers missing so my son might find out what was going on with all the Syracuse brats here ahead of him moving in on his ancestry after Art Legacy started with Jack Nelson in his third grade at Art's school. We took him out when the same students he was trying to learn with were throwing him down stairs (arts daughter) probably after meeting his older cousins. I bvelieve he had three attempts on his life before the fall in Monreal where the Flint Scottish joined Blacks in Gypsy church doing the reverse genealogy probably with my son and I ending up as Spanish Haitian Gypsies with mary Macks family. His wife of one year with circus family. Jacks Slapside Mormon/ Everson/ Syracuse Stage/ Dome Joke.
More noes: to collectors of my work in 80's (former friends of Rodgers? his siters possibly posing as Bonnie Taylor or Parker) I met one woman with Miami Guido Singer at Yannow parties that looked like her.
I may never hear from anyone requesting any pictures of work I considered my best to include with small genealogy and ancestry notes to appear on a non gripe page. I should not be sending any notes..will probably just send for any pictures and hope they have not listened to all the slander making me the loser of the divorce. I did not want to inerfere with Rodgers work or job so I have tried not to complain about him while complaining about his family and my family and their ancestry takeover of my dads (only) English owned shipyard in N. Ireland and genealogy and papers kept in an Old Barrow bombed out Royal Orange Lodge, put here when Sam joined the Army. the English and Shipyard were bombed in WWII. Sam came to the states while my dads mother becaeme a ball gown designer using the family's old sewing rooms which she and her sons moved into when rest of the family was killed at the dining room when a bomb went through the table. Sam came first then my 15 year old dad and mother joined them in flint. Dad bought two houses in Flint while Same paid for his mothers food and care.
Isent parts of the following out. I also sent a letter to politicians occasionally askig if CIA had used my dads ancestry with NZ. for police jobs. CIA said they did not do that sort of thing. I think Army and NZ MacDonalds did.
I really need slides of my old work. I want them WAITING WALKER ancestry page and very few documents or pictures copied to a CD. I have to erase the lower overcopied pages. about 15 Nov 2, 2009
To people that had my paintings in your homes or collections. I am trying to find slides or photos of my work to include on my ancestry-genealogy page. ***following 14 pages. one unit that will be moved.***lower section will be removed after it.
I was happy to find your address on the web. I may include additional 'words' from a journal I started, very rough, in 2005 : After the last of my best work was stolen from storage or my poor trailer that is my home. Home after many houses swindled away after I divorced my ex-husband final 1987 started 1984. I won the divorce on grounds of cruelty, I believe Rodger was drugged to change him by Wendy Kline or students, family working for jobs in my father in laws food and medical empire. They give my ex's first marriage papers out as ours; Mary Mack his wife of one year (from a circus family) divorce papers as mine.
I have kept a journal on line as things got even worse before last years 2008, 50 year reunions of HS and another coming up for Cranbrook.
The blog is probably not accessible that I know of, although recently someone else put my uncorrected journal on line. It is 'WAITING,I pirateposts 05-09' I use http://www.blogger.com/posts.g?blog ID 207561699787605131&pli=1
I use:
blogID=2075616997867605131&pli=1 to write on it.
I have a very old used computer that does not correct, drops things as I write. New one in lay away.
I am writing to request a copy of any slide you might have of an abstract blue painting (should you still have it) of mine that I was at the time I saw it so proud you had it in your home...over your stairwell.. I was Isabelle Waiting Mack at the time, I lived at 2400 Euclid, many years ago. I don't know if your genealogy was also included in Jack Nelson's Mormon family working with my Young step-cousins who started switching ancestry with me in high school. It includes a Waiting N. Ireland shipyard, possily now changed into my aunt Isabelle Young, Greenfield, Swanson to Bagnasco now possibly married to ex Sheriff Wolf of N. Syracuse/ Tarpon Springs FL. I believe she included her in laws from all marriages and her German step brothers Gregg and Duffy, adding possibly Ainsley Burke and Mormon Scientology? Chevy Chase, and Harrotunian's and Swartz Creek Turks as Alderman with Wendy Kline.
They also added all my aunts in laws ex Mafia and Lebanese investing in 50's Flint actresses including Karen Black as part of Cranbrook's David Black/ Booths, Swanson and Simpson/Young Thomas genealogy. My ancestor's shipyard, home and warehouse and ships in Barrow in Furnace were destroyed by IRA or others in WW2 and Australian property was given to my cousins. I believe their cousins including police were brought to this country through Australia by John MacDonald Jr's, famous writer father and possibly Buffalo ex CIA Donovans that started the USA CIA with MacDonald...for use in NZ and Australian genealogy. Also for CIA part-timers as Nancy Hoffmann (Jeri Nelson?) and political Vatican PR Mitchell (Connie Mack and Kennedy) with possibly Berrigan, Dalton at LeMoyne. Daniel Berrigan was at Bobby Sands starvation for the Catholic church at Maze Prison with Ramsey Clark. My dads forfathers were Royal Orange ship people, the Orange of those days did not leave for another country to live. Never leave Ireland anti IRA and Catholic Church. (Rome). My dad mentioned little to me, but his great grandfathers had Orange ships. They would not carry blacks etc. son of Hamm etc. They would not have been slave ships probably delivered ships to australia. I did not start out ani church or charity but I am now. Antique car friends of Nelson and her friend our neighbor Mitchell in religion area proably my relatives or Simpsons in Pennsylvania/NZ by way probably of Robert Parkhill 37 Australia. Possibly by now related to to Mr. Hill SU 80's Public Relations, and connetted to Dalton Antiques, Army Grants? Anti divorce work with Hill PR SU?
I suppose they got police grants for new and more military grand Nelson, Young and Bowman to Farquhar.; possibly German N.Ireland (hand) Baronets (Dubretts Baronettage) and Thomas to Thompson for help to private school funding. Possibly Wake Hughes Walker? (hand) Baronets. I believe jeri Jeri Nelson and Syracuse Allen Streeters (as Hoffmann?) with Art Legacy and Art Sorch visited N. Ireland to place Nelson/ Harathies (first color coopier at Everson 70's false documents in existing Barrow and NI lodges. With Jack as my relative and Sarah Spino (a SU model) as his wife Sarah Nelson, writing a book on my dads grandfather's Royal Orange ( Ulsters Defenders) who now considered a remaining terrorist and bigot society.
My dad was not part of this, they moved in on my uncle Sam Waiting when he died in 60 or 61 when I was at Cranbrook. Jacks Haitians were probably curing Yaws at U of M. 60o's.
Now they include Cranbrook weavers including a McSherry (in Holstein office of Aging?) and Mary Walker Phillips who have been busy inventing beautiful tartans for Young's and Bowman's going Farquahr and it very colorful and fun for those allowed to use the names.
I want to place any reproductions of my best work on- line with my genealogy. My best work is now all stolen and used by others, probably from my sister n laws Silkscreen company in Syracuse supplying her or Alderman hospitals and doctors offices, nursing homes with first doll house pastel copies then my acrylic and collge's as prints.
I will only list my personally known ancestry Old Barrow(totally bombed) English and N. Ireland Australian possible family stories, told to me by my father. However my cousins looking for work have not left me any remaining pictures or slides of my work. While stealing anything masonic or valuable or part of collections they sold. My great grandfathers ancestry has been changed by my cousins, the Vatican first then Mormon Nelsons Flint area (Jack fenced with them) helping glean Lebanese and Haitian research money to aid my Catholic cousins of Francis Ferguson Young (Andrew my uncle). Suzi Hare was in Rochester. Francis carried muscular Dystrophy and my dad asked my uncle not to marry her, they knew the family's men fell into the sea from their ships after the disease struck. My own dads father a shipwright also died at sea.
Pictures included will be on a permanent web site at my death or before(as I have no address for my son for 24 years,he was not mentioned in any of his father's papers or on web sites, since the divorce) his whereabouts have been withheld from me after a fall that could have killed him in Monreal 85.
I even thouht he might have been on the Lockerbie plane as CAA's Christo's Papadopolous died onit and a German Countess was aboard. He may have had to switch ID's with his girl cousin Toby Thomas. He may have been in a wheelchair after that accident and a car accident also 85 with people my aunt took my mother over to sign a will giving everything, even my own property to her. I had my mother's durable power of attorney and gave permission for the trip not a planeful of thieves. She had to have my countersign for it to have been legal in the USA.
Survivor funds may have passed through CAA and SU Lockerbie money to Lebanese etc (Scott and Pritchard countries), back to the same people as plotted? by way of the original ancestry theft Nelsons and Scott in Flint MI 50's helping Motts and Carriers 80's hoping for future rich dictator or mafia newly Scottish and Irish students...also getting my ex husband's parents millions for their private universities. This was after Nelsons in Flint 50's worked with Lebanese others non UN, Dictator students finding wives in sororities and dance studios (Medicis etc. Yannow, for brides so they could invest in the USA and reformed Mafia in performing arts, medicine, moving South.
If you have a slide and I can have a copy I will include it with no comment with my father Desmond Walker Waiting family ancestry.
A NYC Flue Palue (probably Salley Baker Lennon or Miller site) had my sons genealogy as German in the 80's. They said they did not know my son.
I doubt if it was the Waiting to Mack genealogy pre Jack Nelson, Mitchell, Rodger Scott, Dr. Pritchard, Art Legacy, Art Storch, Sidney Manes or my dads Philadelphia Cousin Gordon Simpson's family joining my mother's Young family, my aunt Isabelle'sMafia in laws, and my step cousin Glenn Tansley (FL and Ariz.) the 70's job services director here, switched my ship building and shipping ancestry to Young/ Warnock/Bagnasco then Bell, Thomas.
I suppose Mrs. Sacco who has been grabbing complaints from the district attorney office for years also has new fancier Walkers.
This genealogy will go with my dying cousins children. I have no son on record and then to Australia or NZ CIA?
Again, this started in the 50's when Young's stalked every move I made, Then Nelson's stalked my son through schools and removed our possessions for their own children whenever they could swoop down on my rooms. This started with Duffys and Youngs in Swartz Creek MI whenever we were out of our house. Cleaned out completely as soon as I received a Thomas scholarship I could nt keep in jewelry at CAA. No money for large precious metal church pieces.
My Young cousins were beautiful like my sister in law and Susan Lucci. The Young children were Hollywood CA poster children for Lebanese Charity and Jerri Lewis and other hospitals (Tampa and Dr Anderson, Children's Hosp here?. How they were joined to Ohio Strongsville Ohio Thomas handicapped Sherril (parents also multimillionaires) and Galanti handicapped (Downs or brain damage) related to Bagnasco or Michaels funeral homes (art stores?) all unknown to me. The Ohio Thomas's bought a mall across the street from my childhood home in Swartz Creek/Flint MI. in 70's for beauty shop, they also own malls here.
Their new alliance also provided money involved in building this area of Florida and set up important Social and Political contacts at medical/charity events. Money earned to help my own cousins, then to provice jobs for other relatives on all sides: I assume Cancer research of my aunts English sister in laws second husband also Scottish like my mother was included...my ex had cancer and was treated terribly.
I was not told Rodger had cancer until the last day of court, we were finishing up.. I amended my taxes for five years so Rodger would not have penalties and I did not ask for sculptures from his future shows. My best gifts from my father and ex husbandwere stolen with Kip Shadily Lapps help in West Palm Beach storage in the 80's
I have only small accurate dates (pre-computer) for my participation in Painting Exhibitions in Memphis Museum, Rochester Museum, Utica Museum, Cooperstown Nationals and especially my best work shown with Rodger Mack sculpture at Cazenovia College in the mid 80's. My slides and that work were stolen. My son? Whoever sounded like h im (Boyce Laser Talker and Deaf research tool?) asked for a few in Syracuse storage, but rest were stolen here.
I have only one unfinished painting/collage from that show set up by Clair Harrotunian. My craft work (Dollhouse Saltire Dance Room) is probably shown as someone else's work at Gernhard gallery after being stolen two years ago. A formal Scottish dance room full of doll house dolls in evening clothing and surroundings I crafted from antique and new parts...along with my oldest antique miniatures I kept from my childhood (only a few hidden from relatives). It was not furniture traded in a house exchange with John Sellers. My minature hunt paintings were included in the theft, 90's expensive pipe organ, floral gold civil ar frames I crafted from antique frames. All the dolls I crafted are in white evening dress, women with tartan sashes, men black tux's. I made the dolls including a small cat, our Sir Squatly or Dinghy from 2400. Euclid. Not Sellers furniture all bought after 80's.
I have no way to list any other local shows that I was part of, or won prizes in Syracuse or before except a few news articles.. My last showing of my work was in 1986 Lakeland FL. The Gallery closed, and I was part of a Contemporary Art Gallery in Yvor City Slide Sales collection in '87, '88.
I have been harassed in and out of houses to my present small trailer by relatives, ex in laws or those using my old work...and those making sure I do not do more. I fear for my life in any hospital so I think I am moving to Mexico or Canada.
I think my aunt and cousins panicked when I took a PR class at UC to learn writing style for a children's book about a Scottish crate I made into a Tudor mouse mansion with mice I crafted also in formal dress (not a later very miniature mice palace.
Whoever moved in on them in 70's worked with my relatives and SU people saving Jack's reputation when he was fired, not left after having a heart attack, after injuring Sandra Lira in a movie in the 70's He came to Florida then to work on his family and my aunts new genealogy, including colorful Montreal, Chicago and other mafia. Alderman had to be their attorney in Florida). Young cousins may be also a Barbara Young who graduated in 77 with Margie Hughto (I do not know them) Cranbrook. Wendy Kline helped (possibly getting al my antique lace in return) working from Braden ton Bobbie Sailors and Larson Studio NYC to Bradenton friends along with my Bradenton Warnock and in law Gilberts. Also with Wilsons Clearwater and my cousins and MI advertising Swanson who made it possible for Cranbrook to build around trusts using Jacks genealogy. Had to find a Swanson Saaranan and from his consul Haitian unofficial California and U of M, Flint, Syracuse Haiti consul work.
They are now in very social surroundings still providing funds for dread disease. While I fail every attempt I made to try and leave Paco CO FL, their ancestry change county.
I may just send on the extra pages, I am losing memory and this will disappear if I continue. It is probably not healthy to know details. I tried to interest two malpractice attorneys and they both died a week later.
If you have time to search your information records, this is very important to me and I for my son if he is living, Theo Desmond Mack probably in a nursing home “Missions for Leprosy” Edinburgh ...possibly with Ainsley Burke as Wallace. Where my aunts and uncles learned fencing and music which they later taught for Clara Motts (GM heir Mott Schools) fI danced with her one time in Chicago American Dance CO convention. Our teacher was Pat Robinson who worked with a Russian Am Dance Theater coach in Detroit. Rodger's agent in Little Rock Ark and now Texas was Don Robinson. American Dance Company had (Mitchell PR) Chicago convention. She was about the same age at me when I was at Flint Jr College, Catholic. Might be in Tarpon Springs also.
They are still being represented by Rodger Scott ? Pritchard? and other Haitian and non UN ex Dictators former students. All meeting in Flint MI moving first into Hollywood then into medicine then into Education jobs.
If you have survived this by now mis-spelled (low memory) Tome...Thank You in advance for searching your records.
If you can find any trace of slides of my paintings in your insurance records, or could reproduce a picture I could put on a disk, I would be so grateful. I will reproduce it with the few bits of original ancestry papers left in my genealogy with family stories (not religious) when I finally get my new computer still on lay away out.
My cousin Tom Bagnasco worked with Bush campaigns (Texas?) he owns a telephone company Ameriphone or something...that I think wipes out my cars and computers with whatever they worked on with my in laws money, grants for Jack's friends at USF and SU. I choose to believe my ex was kept busy so my sister in law could also be a artists...poet with whatever she or my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young stole from me. Helped by Swartz Creek MI people goint British from the closed Franklin Young building... I suppose getting in and out of the Eureka building.
I will of course reimburse you for making a picture or slide for me to put on a CD.
I hope this letter and attached file finds you both well and enjoying your retirement.
Best wishes,
Isabelle Waiting ex Mack, 6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34, Port Richey, FL 34668 ollphiast@aol.com
Non corrected notes (I have memory low on my computer) if you feel like knowing any more?
The only person who saw Rodger and my 80's Cazenovia show, and liked my painting (or so said Rodger) was Jerome Witkin. However, he also got help from the Chancellors office during his divorce. The Chancellors office was probably given all my Sterling (antique and serving pieces for 9) joined by my high school Sterling for 9 and most of the Sterling serving pieces only shown at one party when Louise Dierks was a student.. I think Kip Shehadi Capps was sent in then to get it for SU or my sister in law when she was married to her English doctor... by Jack's friends at Syracuse Stage, Storch Martin and Yannow. Her son is probably in part time CIA projects here at Hernando Pasco College, by way of Hoffmann (Jeri Nelson is Rep. NY Nancy Hoffmann?) Elaine Yannow, Capps, with Harrotunian son's... also included in political work to use my ancestry for CIA eventually NZ.
My cousin Eric Allen Warnock joining now his Rodger Allen Mack as a family with my son and I out of it. Mr. Storch, Barbara Hancock as Eric Hoffmann and her Mrs. Bishop probably are related by way of Bishop AP Flint that started allowing Cranbrook students to fly on company and charity planes after the Cuban invasion.
My dad and uncle Sam (was with execution squads during Irish troubles with Irish Guards) he was ten years older than my dad. My dad was the die maker that worked with GM designers in final stages to make final dies and approve stress. He was first computer operator in family had use of a million dollar GM computer. He was one of three in all of GM not just as Mormons say a factory worker.
My dad at the time called Cranbrook druring the invasion, so students could get home free if they wanted to go. My cousins lived closeby and probably started taking them on plane with my aunt Isabelle who is me at CAA reunions catering with SU ladies and Kathy Mack Thomas. When they had their Hollywood Jerry Lewis or Catholic Charity plane...now Ferguson RE plane no doubt.
Return any information or rebuttal to: 6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34, Port Richey, FL 34668-2115
The new English, Australian, YOUNG, and Mack's, Mc's, also turned Farquhar with Dome publicity and Simpson Swanson publicity Cranbrook. It also included my Aunt Isabelle's German step brothers Duffy and Gregg. They have robbed me not only of my money, retirement funds, also my art and craft work: I am now sure signed by others with help of Wendy Kline, Alderman Empire, John Sellers,Jack Nelson. Jack was fired from SU and then had a heart attack, recovered in Florida while his Michigan to Florida Mormon family stole my genealogy for a new giant Stuart Royals and Performing Arts,Travel, Pageant Plan dreamed up in the 50's (can't prove any of this) by Lebanese benefactors of Flint MI Dancers. They arrived to parts in movies in Hollywood years ahead of me in college in the 60's. Karen Black ex Miss MI, actress; and David Black, Cranbrook, wanted money from my aunt Isabelle's Mafia related in laws living close to Cranbrook. My mothers brother Andew Young married a woman who carried muscular dystrophy from close to where my father's N. Irish shipyard was, who had very beautiful children used in Jerry Lewis posters while they continued to do appearances at country club and yacht club charity affairs from their own Catholic airplane.
Rodger was in the NASA area of GM Birmingham MI, where my dad worked close to Cranbrook when I first arrived there on a Thomas scholarship that proved useless. My parents paid for my BFA there. My dad worked with designers of new cars and rarely with Army people. He had the first million dollar GM computer he did the original plans and dies from the clay and plaster models. He was the only master die maker one of three in all of GM international in that area. I knew Clara Mott GM heiress from Ballet with one or two of the Hollywood dancers and we were both at one time demonstrating dancers for Pat Robinson, who did conventions with American Ballet Chicago where their Mitchell PR probably got information about my dads N. Ireland very secret Orange background that could be made available to my Charity useful cousins gleaning money for med research and people funding surrounding U of M Haitian Doctors that cured Yaws. Joined by a whole German Duffy family I did not know in Detroit related to my aunt Isabelle Young not that many years older than me.
Jack Nelson and Simpson cousins of my father from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Joined PR for U of M Simpson's I assume knowing Clara Mott at Flint Jr College then Cranbrook. They also found it useful for the Catholic Church and medical research to find a Young/Swanson/ Greenfield connection to get colorful reformed mafia money close to my aunts Bascom, Michaels and related Luci and others related to Hollywood Performing Arts and Charity workers and Society.. My dads Simpson relatives in Philadelphia probably got Mallory Simpson into PR at U of M and Cranbrook using these doors. Which were shut for me when they decided to change my ancestors to my cousins and their Hollywood friends.
Jack was a fencer who knew them teaching at Flint Jr College and competing with him while he was consul to Haiti in MI then Hollywood then Syracuse to Florida.
I have had all of my slides of any of my work stolen and most records of my shows or prizes stolen. I especially wanted slides of my and Rodgers last show at Cazenovia College. It was the opening of the Thomas Chapman show, all my best work from that show has been stolen here from my storage. Probably given to others to use or sign. My also very attractive sister in law Kathi Thomas also took the best of my work for her silkscreen business from storage in West Palm beach with Kip Shehadi Capps helping. I assume to use in her father's medical offices and nursing homes or Alderman hospitals with Wendy Kline following my in laws into medical business surrounding the research they were involved with.. My Lace and Silver and even Crafts dolls and a Ballroom scene I worked on from 74 to 94 was taken two years ago with the last of my silver. Then I was forced to move rather than go to a High School 50 year reunion where half the class was now British from Czech or Polish. I fear the last of my original news papers etc that Sally Baker arranged will be taken also to be sure I do not list them before the Cranbrook 50 year reunion is held. I was asked to one HS reunion its tenth and then one CAA reunion to meet a Swanson in 87. nothing since or before about the 5th only directed at Rodger.
I want to place any picture close to that stolen larger work from Cazenovia which was abstract and realistic but also political. I can find on that site. I will only place the few absolute things I can prove around my fathers ancestry and papers related to that that were listed as belonging to my in laws by one Stuart Waiting genealogist. His an my ancestors British sea captains, shipping owners, Australian property belonging to his father, grandfather and his British sea captains and Shipwright were English and North Irish Anglican now listed by Mormons as Brethren.
I fear that you know all of the beautiful people that were placed by my aunt Isabelle's Young family, and dad's U of M and CAA PR Mallory Simpson surrounding my former sister in lawKkathy Thomas (to Thompson) who coud be using my sculpture with its Bronze e boxes put back around them with her Hollywood and Sirs Caro and Baker with those who made her parents British or others turned into Haitian Spanish Pirates (probably me and my son) taking their English Scottish and German to make them part of a John MacDonald Jr/ and his (founder of CIA USA ) father, writer John MacDonald's fantasy Parkhill family. Useful for police or CIA grants to N. Ireland or Australia.
While saying my aunt did my work or my sister in law with Clair Harrotunians help.
My being alive still steps on a lot of new German and Northern Ireland yachting and boat backgrounds I am sure. Those I by now related to German (hand) Baronets that were a myth of my fathers sea captains and shipwright in N. Ireland, England and Australia made true for people wanting my ex father in laws millions for their charity or jobs while investing in private schools moving south. I fear with SU real estate and other investments..
I was blamed for our divorce, I did not know Rodger had Cancer: I changed five years of my taxes for Rodger to save %0,000 or more, still Ed Alderman (at the last day of our divorce) said I would never see my son again. I have not or had a address for him 1985 . Even I not Rodger won our divorce, if one can win a divorce. He had a third I believe attempt on his life in 1985 in Montreal I do not know if he is alive.
Please keep the additional letter as an explanation or excuse for writing to you.. If you are involved with the charities involved please forgive me but I also had a life that I would like some souvenir of my own work of. A souvineer after my place in the art world that I believe has been taken by my aunt and sister in law using my work from the past to this date, Sculpture, art work and my best saltire room as well as my best antiques and silver.
If you still have the blue painting you bought so long ago, I was so proud to see it over your stairwell and then my ex husband got involved with his sisters work in charity that also involved my old HS friends going British with a lot of other people even actors and actresses dancers in movies in Hollywood.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my letter. My notes if you care to.
I doubt that you remember me as anything but Rodger Mack's ex wife. Many people believe I lost my divorce, but the Alderman office, Rodger Scott and others at SU decided to make me the loser, and as I felt it would be better for my son I did not object in Syracuse but I had no idea that I the wronged party would have so many lies told about me in Florida. I did not know Rodger had cancer, I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, I feel my ex was drugged by trust and charity people in my own family and his to get his parents money and then get a hold on my son's life (who I have not been able to contact for 24 years.) to get more funds for their research doctors involved in Capone and Alderman hospitals here in Florida, and my own Young cousins who have stalked me all my life to get my ex husbands parents millions for their Catholic then Mormon interests with Jack Nelsons family who have taken over my ancestors and given them to my Mafia related aunt Isabelle last I heard Young Bagnasco's total Mafia family making my es sister in law over into a MacGregger so they may join the MACK politicial and Nelson family. I feel my ex was also a victim and just gave up when he got cancer. I don't know if you know it or not but Jack Nelson was fired when he injured Sandra Lira in a movie and he then had a heart attack. His Nelson family and fencers he knew in Flint MI and Young's who taught at the Flint Jr College have joined in with Carrier and Mott Flint and Florida charities probably cancer. I ended up being slandered all over Florida, while Jack Nelson and ex Mafia families travel with my sister in law Kathy Mack and Hollywood charity people that started a take over of my names in the 1950s when Jack knew my Young family from fencing while he was becoming consul to Haitian doctors in California and U of M.
This is a short version of 25 years of trying not to get killed by reformed mafia getting into medicine with my in laws former Polish now Scottish and Irish by way of my fathers Ancestors Irish Shipyard, Shipping businesses in Barrow in Furnace and taking boats to Australia. Land I should have been asked if I wanted, was taken over by an Arizona step cousin Glenn Tansley ad Wilsons who stole credit for the prototype of the Wilson Gus sight. I believe used by one of the Army Colt 45's. Glenn as Job Services director in the 70's handed jobs out in this whole area of Florida to anyone who would help a whole new Scottish Tribe of Youngs that got new tartans from Cranbrook Weavers. They were in the original plan from the Start. The Thomas's stole two books about this from the Copyright office and they are now in Captains museums as volunteers. Their companies sell my sons names Theo Desmond Mack as German related.
I can't do anything about this.
What they also did was steal all my best art work and prevented me from painting while my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco possibly now married to ex Sheriff Wolf from N. Syracuse? And Kathi Lee Mack Thomas Deitz Rodger's sister silk screenedddd my work for sale to Alderman (the Bagnasco, Galanti, GenovesLucciano, Susan Lucci, food mafiaano Rendesi Montreal) continue to take over Medicine and Society around Yacht Clubs and Social Events part of Medical Research.
I only want to ask you as I also had all of my slides taken especially Those surrounding my own best work which was never seen at an opening of the Thomas Chapman gallery in 1985 about or a little ahead taken. Now probably signed by someone else. It was my only larger works and completely different from anything else I did. I had great hopes to have it shown in major galleries in Florida. I believe one piece was contrived to be seen in my aunt Isabelle Young's friend's Lakeland Gallery by her Swanson ex in laws and Cranbrook people. My car was broken down so she as probably there as she also travels with ex mafia families and Kathy Mack, Karen Black and other Hollywood personalities and ex dancers from Flint ahead of me in the 50s that met all the Lebanese benefactors of Scottish Bands that helped my dads old friends who apparently knowing he was English take all of his best silver Scottish regalia and my best Scottish Silver jewelery and my Silver and even my best craft doll house Saltire dance room which I worked on from 1974 to 1994 with John Sellers help.
I cannot fight all of this, and I have no way to fight all the good charity people that joined in with fund raising.
I would like to have a picture or slide of the one abstract mostly Blue that was over your stairwell in the very old days when we lived at 2400 Euclid. If you still can't remember who I am.
I understand that that piece was probably put away because I don't know what was said about me and I had an ex wife named Melanie Gilbert one of my cousin Bob Warnock's four wives from the same Gilbert family right behind me in a similar car in Syracuse as she was here and probably still now I see someone new looking like me in a similar car.
Very well thought out by Rodger Scott, Dr. Pritchard who is probably one of the Masterpol (Davidsons including Marilyn and her daughter) , Sellers and other Public Relations people involved with the very gifted Haitian doctors that cured Yaws at U of M.
The only person who saw that Cazenovia College show that I know of only because Rodger mentioned it. Clair Harrotunina did not tell me that I had t provede the list for the Cazenovia show and my explainations of my work did not get to the college was Jerome Witkin and the Chancellors office also helped him save his private property from Divorce so he may not remember how good that lost work was. I am so sad that my slides were also stolen with my work and even my silver and doll house things. Sellers were involved with this with Daltons from the Walton area that treated my cousin for drug abuse and probably a Thomas from Ohio that was a cocaine dealer that moved right next to my cousin and is now a Reverend. Rodger Scott was a very talented if sneaky PR person I am sure helping the sruuounding Syracuse business peopla as well as all the other business around Carrier and Motts who started this way back in the 50's to get all the reformed Mafia including Susan Lucci's relatives, my aunts family into military and university positions after they get them as students.
I only ask for a slide which may not make it in the mail, but I would ask that you please send me a copy of any you might have in your old insurance files if I made it that far. I did like that and a pink one I tried to make two of very similar just to see if I could control my abstract work. I think Jack Nelson came here as a Doctor with a divverent name Engbritson or Lewin to steal a lot of Old Orange pins of my dad's grandfathers. Dad is listed as a factory worker in Nelson Mormon files, he was an Engineer that worked with the Top desingers (including Rodger and his friends in the NASA Moon Car Area in the 60's) where this also may have started and how he came to be at Cranbrook with my aunts Mafia funeral family Bagnascos (Michaels Here) to bring all this about.
Best wishes to my son if you ever see him at anything. I have no idea where he is when Kip Capps son and Nelsons and others were entered into Jeri Nelson as Nancy Hoffmann became a political women's power in the Pink Parts Politics around women's disease. A very important role but she ignored what Jacks Mormon family was doing while enjoying her time with Rodger while Jack and others were running all over N. Ireland with John MacDonald Jr and Art Legacy and Art Storch in his priests costume making my Young family all Farquhar and military etc. actually they were the side of the Young family my dad did not talk too as he asked my mothers brother not to marry Francis because she carried muscular Dystrophy.
Forgive me if you are also battling a terrible disease as Hodie Clark must have been to help Jeri get her first job in Religion at SU. When Jack was fired not just had a heart attack to start placing made up LeGacy gypsy and Manes false genealogy in N. Ireland. To change Mary Macks genealogy a circus owner's background to mine. Rodger was asked to join the CIA possibly he did but I think it was Australia or N. Zealand with John MacDonald Jr making up Parkhills for the Nelson, Wilson, Mitchell, Dalton antique dealer people to go 'family' by way of Parkhill ...a made up name.
I am not seeking revenge I would like to try and publish the few things I know to be true about my dads Sea Captains and Shipyards that Ainsley Burke found out about. His wife a Duffy may have been entered in as my aunts step brother's family, and people related to my aunts step brothers, Gregg and Duffy.
She was a wig maker in NYC and the Thomas family and Galanti's are in beauty shops. Duffy not any part of my ancestry. He then found out he was related to Chevi Chase, as probably did David Chase, who were then taken over by actress Karen Black and her Cranbrook David Black and others in Hollywood (Caro Bakers Lennons?) who saw my sister in law with her fathers purse waiting to be used by Syracuse Stage, and charity...all getting their actors into movies and to charity events with my cousins. Also my mother's family into Saltire and Court dances in costume movies while keeping their Scottish Friday Nights and Saltire Balls. The fancy dress balls, tartains and white evening wear used to be held in Dallas and in Clearwater at the former Crystal Ballroom now the Church of Scientology.
I would love to know where Gernharts or Sellers are showing the room stolen two years ago when I finally got it out to photograph and finished the last doll. Before a Swartz Creek HS reunion. Karen Ambrose Anderson wife of a Dr. Anderson was in this from the beginnings with my Young family. Her family in Mack Truck investments.
This is a very long and I am sure boring letter. I see where you are listed as also being retired. I know you cannot help or possibly can't even read this letter. I will rewrite it when I have a new computer. You may be involved with them having great results in 'gleaning' medical and charity ...the same place my millionaire ex-family is. So I will understand, if you are ill, why you cannot comply with my request for a slide no comments need to accompany it.My
I was driven out of my trailer park area after my silver and Saltire room of dolls I (who married a second husband that managed Holiday Inns, and Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson who was probably related to Tampa Gen. Head in the 70's at least Dr. Anderson. She and her family may have introduced Mack Truck Teamsters and my aunts family giving to Medicine into local Mafia retirement fund buys with SU other school retirement funds. This request for a slide is not without risk, I hope you do not burn the painting after reading this.
Say hello to my son if he is ever seen at anything to do with SU. He was driven out of school and had a bad accident where he fell a long distance after someone took his place at SU on Rodgers remitted tuition. A Nelson or Wendy Kline who is the person he was dating while we were married also after funding for her deaf Daughters research which had been taken on by a not FBI agent Tom Bagnasco..who appears to me to have controlled all my calls to my parents or me for Nelson Genealogy making my genealogy and work my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson (to break trusts at CAA to find a Swanson to build underground buildings and road-the young s were given the catering contract) My cousin Barbara Young followed me to Cranbrook and graduated with Margie Hughto 77,
I now wonder if Jack got a lot of money from the Macks or Thomas's for his own medical friends NY and FL California when Rodger got Cancer when Theo and I were cut from the family business money. He possibly started part of the Institute at SU with his Mormons in the church behind (underground tunnels) with Rodger and his friends out of their three piece suits and into tee shirts writing papers to researchers from there. How he could take SU calls as well as to Jeri in the Religion Dept working with LeMoyne friends possibly.
I have been warned by West PR not to bother SU people with my problems. My son is supposed to be big enough in his mid 40's not to make the decision to contact me or not. He has no money or education thanks to the Alderman office who warned me in court that I would never see my son again.
Divorce papers are in Fulton NY. Under Isabelle Waiting Mack Plaintiff vs
Roger A. (Allen not listed) Mack, Defendant Signed Apr 1, Approved APR 2, 1987 Judge Donovan Supreme Court NY. I won on grounds of cruelty but R, was so changed duringour last years he had to be being drugged, cancer or not.
County of Onondaga, QDR order Index No. M-1409-84 RJI:33-85-653 NJ
This was a Kangaroo court for all three of us for John MacDonald or NZ Brit. CIA ? And the Carrier Motts but mostly for me and my son losing everything for a pack of charity.
I know you and Rodger were friends and may not belive this but please take pity on my poor child who's life has been ruined and is still being ruined by a pack Advertising brats and millionaires who want to play in kilts.
Sone additional material will be sent to a few owners of my work: not all still working on it.
Return any additional information or rebuttal to: 6735 Hammock Rd. Lot 34, Port Richey, FL 34668-2115
***end of sent message shortened I hope. Nov 2
The new English, Australian, YOUNG, and Mack's, Mc, also turned Farquhar with Dome publicity and Simpson Swanson publicity Cranbrook. It also included my Aunt Isabelle's German step brothers Duffy and Gregg. They have robbed me not only of my money, retirement funds, also my art and craft work: I am now sure signed by others with help of Wendy Kline, Alderman Empire, John Sellers,Jack Nelson. Jack was fired from SU and then had a heart attack, recovered in Florida while his Michigan to Florida Mormon family stole my genealogy for a new giant Stuart Royals and Performing Arts,Travel, Pageant Plan dreamed up in the 50's (can't prove any of this) by Lebanese benefactors of Flint MI Dancers. They arrived to parts in movies in Hollywood years ahead of me in college in the 60's. Karen Black ex Miss MI, actress; and David Black, Cranbrook, wanted money from my aunt Isabelle's Mafia related in laws living close to Cranbrook. My mothers brother Andew Young married a woman who carried muscular dystrophy from close to where my father's N. Irish shipyard was, who had very beautiful children used in Jerry Lewis posters while they continued to do appearances at country club and yacht club charity affairs from their own Catholic airplane.
Rodger was in the NASA area of GM Birmingham MI, where my dad worked close to Cranbrook when I first arrived there on a Thomas scholarship that proved useless. My parents paid for my BFA there. My dad worked with designers of new cars and rarely with Army people. He had the first million dollar GM computer he did the original plans and dies from the clay and plaster models. He was the only master die maker one of three in all of GM international in that area. I knew Clara Mott GM heiress from Ballet with one or two of the Hollywood dancers and we were both at one time demonstrating dancers for Pat Robinson, who did conventions with American Ballet Chicago where their Mitchell PR probably got information about my dads N. Ireland very secret Orange background that could be made available to my Charity useful cousins gleaning money for med research and people funding surrounding U of M Haitian Doctors that cured Yaws. Joined by a whole German Duffy family I did not know in Detroit related to my aunt Isabelle Young not that many years older than me.
Jack Nelson and Simpson cousins of my father from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Joined PR for U of M Simpson's I assume knowing Clara Mott at Flint Jr College then Cranbrook. They also found it useful for the Catholic Church and medical research to find a Young/Swanson/ Greenfield connection to get colorful reformed mafia money close to my aunts Bascom, Michaels and related Luci and others related to Hollywood Performing Arts and Charity workers and Society.. My dads Simpson relatives in Philadelphia probably got Mallory Simpson into PR at U of M and Cranbrook using these doors. Which were shut for me when they decided to change my ancestors to my cousins and their Hollywood friends.
Jack was a fencer who knew them teaching at Flint Jr College and competing with him while he was consul to Haiti in MI then Hollywood then Syracuse to Florida.
I have had all of my slides of any of my work stolen and most records of my shows or prizes stolen. I especially wanted slides of my and Rodgers last show at Cazenovia College. It was the opening of the Thomas Chapman show, all my best work from that show has been stolen here from my storage. Probably given to others to use or sign. My also very attractive sister in law Kathi Thomas also took the best of my work for her silkscreen business from storage in West Palm beach with Kip Shehadi Capps helping. I assume to use in her father's medical offices and nursing homes or Alderman hospitals with Wendy Kline following my in laws into medical business surrounding the research they were involved with.. My Lace and Silver and even Crafts dolls and a Ballroom scene I worked on from 74 to 94 was taken two years ago with the last of my silver. Then I was forced to move rather than go to a High School 50 year reunion where half the class was now British from Czech or Polish. I fear the last of my original news papers etc that Sally Baker arranged will be taken also to be sure I do not list them before the Cranbrook 50 year reunion is held. I was asked to one HS reunion its tenth and then one CAA reunion to meet a Swanson in 87. nothing since or before about the 5th only directed at Rodger.
I want to place any picture close to that stolen larger work from Cazenovia which was abstract and realistic but also political. I can find on that site. I will only place the few absolute things I can prove around my fathers ancestry and papers related to that that were listed as belonging to my in laws by one Stuart Waiting genealogist. His an my ancestors British sea captains, shipping owners, Australian property belonging to his father, grandfather and his British sea captains and Shipwright were English and North Irish Anglican now listed by Mormons as Brethren.
I fear that you kow all of the beautiful people that were placed by my aunt Isab elle's Young family, and Simpsons surrounding my former sister in law kathy Thomas who coud be using my sculpture with its Bronce boxes put back around them with her Hollywood and Sirs Caro and Baker with those who made her parents British or others turned into Haitian Spanish Pirates (probably me and my son) taking their English Scottish and German to make them part of a John MacDonald Jr/ and his (founder of CIA USA ) father, writer John MacDonald's fantasy Parkhill family. Useful for police or CIA grants to N. Ireland or Australia.
While saying my aunt did my work or my sister in law with Clair harrotunians help.
My being alive still steps on a lot of new German and Northern Irelandyachting and boat backgrounds I am sure. Those I by now related to German (hand) Baronets that were a myth of my fathers sea captains and shipwright in N. ireland, England and Australia made true for people wanting my ex father in laws millions for their charity or jobs while investing in private schools moving south. I fear with SU real estate and other investments..
I was blamed for our divorce, I did not know Rodger had Cancer: I changed five years of my taxes for Rodger to save %0,000 or more, still Ed Alderman (at the last day of our divorce) said I would never see my son again. I have not or had a address for him 1985 . Even I not rodger won our divorce, if one can win a divorce. He had a third I believe attempt on his life in 1985 in Montreal I do not know if he is alive.
Please keep the additional letter as an explaination or excuse for writing to you.. If you are involved with the charities involved please forgive me but I also had a life that I would like some souvineer of my own work of. A sourvineer after my place in the art world that I believe has been taken by my aunt and sister in law using my work from the past to this date, Sculpture, art work and my best saltire room as well as my best antiques and silver.
If you still have the blue painting you bought so long ago, I was so proud to see it over your stairwell and then my ex husband got involved with his sisters work in charity that also involved my old HS friends going British with a lot of other people even actors and actressses dancers in movies in Hollywood.
Additional e mail sent to my son on day after Halloween.
it looks to me that my work has been given to a pack of Serbian Lebanese from Lockerbie in this country and invested in Hollywood by way of my aunts new greek genealogy.
Their professors wife / children they married or are living with down here have to have paintings by older not beautiful women to stand around and talk about...or write about in the Sunshine Lombard newspapers. And of course at all the Research formals, I gues they must throw in a real for all the men there in their buttons and bows kilts...from German kiltmakers of course.
I hope they have not already sold your kid to one of the visiting doctors or Ludwign the doctors waiting unti the last minute to have to marry something even in a size 6 child not adult to do it a la Larry Lardy.
So I am going to have to find my work, paintings and my ballroom around all the advertising people employed to grab one persons art or craft work for one of the women/children they are trying to sell..
Just thought you (followed by Young ferguson Gilbert and Scottish crap brought here to be mydads relatives, reading this after you has decided to do next: while providing wives that can be gotten rid of for foreign doctors for Haiti and Lebanon that started it. (Wonder if half just mess up cancer researh to not lose their best moneymaker). Jack started this mess or his family did with a pack of dictators in Flint with Motts and then Carriers profiting. First the forign men looking for wives in Sororities then to get them all to turn on later. while the people that lost the WW II buy the USA, The same people that wiped out my fathers family IRA? useful to John MacDonald and probably Donovan helping build a new NZ CIA and Solcial life around museums full of stolen art work and a new breed of Museum Goddess to to pass around while building a new NZ lighter and more European Rainbow party to back their performing arts.
Teddy: Love to know where you are before Am Gen friends finds more money with Amera everything? insuring you for Kathy and Lebanese Flint and Turks waiting for more their charity/church related grandchildren to die to add to their investments money.
I see a Greefield Dr. here that looks like one of the Institute doctors probably? or my aunt or Manes Greens? I hope he was not going out with a Masterpol Davidson or someone related to the Druid Toby and Tammy group and Dewitt and Fayetteville Druid Goddesses.
He is with my med group. Think I might have to find a different country to live in. No computers for Jacks original Flint Creativity study grabbing my med records for my aunts to be combined with? When we become the same person with her sons as mine. Sure hope not.
Teddy if youare in Canada let me know and I could try and find an apartment we could share there away from other trapped Karen Black expendible boys while they include girls in the new investment 'family'.
***double sentences to weed out. no way to cut and copy.
I doubt that collectors remember me as anything but Rodger Mack's ex wife. Many people believe I lost my divorce, but the Alderman office, Rodger Scott and others at SU decided to make me the loser, and as I felt it would be better for my son I did not object in Syracuse but I had no idea that I the wronged party would have so many lies told about me in Florida. I did not know Rodger had cancer, I won my divorce on grounds of cruelty and inhumanity, I feel my ex was drugged by trust and charity people in my own family and his to get his paretns money and then get a hold on my son's life (who I hve not been able to contact for 24 years.) to get more funds for their researach doctors involved in Capone and Alderman hospitaals here in Florida, and my own Young cousins who have stalked me all my life to get my ex husbands parents millions for their Catholic then Mormon interests with Jack Nelsons family who have taken over my ancestors and given them to my Mafia realted aunt Isabelle last I heard Young Bagnasco's total Mafia family making my es siter in law over into a MacGregger so they may join the MACK politicial and Nelson family. I don't know if you know it or not but Jack Nelson was fired when he injured Sandra Lira in a movie and he then had a heart attack. His Nelson family and fencers he knew in Flint MI and Youngs who taught at the Flint Jr College have joined in with Carrier and Mott Flint and Florida charitys probably cancer. I ended up being slandered all over Florida, while Jack Nelson and ex Mafia families travel with my sister in law Kathy Mack and Hollywood charity people that started a take over of my nmaes in the 1950s when Jack knew my Young family from fencing while he was becoming consul to Haitian doctors in California and U of M.
This is a short version of 25 years of trying not to get killed by reformed mafia getting into medicine with my in laws former Polish now Scottish and Irish by way of my fathers Ancestors Irish Shipyard, Shipping buiinesses in Barrow in Furnace and taking boats to Australia. Land I had was taken over by an Arizona step cousin Glenn Tansley who has handed jobs out in this whole area of Florida to anyone who would help a whole new Scottish Tribe of Youngs that got new tartans from Cranbrook Weavers. They were in the original plan from the Start. The Thomas's stole two books about this from the Copywright office and they are now in Captains museums as volunteers. Their companies sell my sons names Theo Desmond Mack as German related.
I can't do anything about this.
What they also did was steal all my best art work and prevented me from painting while my aunt Isabelle Young Bagnasco possibly now married to ex Sheriff Wolf from N. Syracuse? And Kathi Lee Mack Thomas Deitz Rodger's sister silkscreened my work for sale to Alderman (the Bagnasco, Galanti, Genoveses Lucciano Rendesi Montreal) continue to take over Medicine and Society around Yacht Clubs and Social Events part of Medical Research.
I only want to ask you as I also had all of my slides taken expecially Those surrounding my own best work which was never seen at an opening of the Thomas Chapman gallery in 1985 about or a little ahead taken. Now probably signed by someone else. It was my only larger works and completely different from anything else I did. I had great hopes to have it shown in major galleries in Florida. I believe one piece was contrived to be seen in my aunt Isabelle Youngs friend's Lakeland Gallery by her Swanson ex in laws and Cranbrook people. My car was broken down so she as probably there as she also travels with ex mafia families and Kathy Mack, Karen Black and other Hollywood personalityes and ex dancers from Flint ahead of me in the 50s that met all the Lebanese benefactors of Scottish Bands that helped my dads old friends who apparently knowing he was Englsih take all of his best jilver Scottish regalia and my best Scottish Silver jewearly and my Silver and even my best craft dollhouse Saltire dance room which I worked on from 1974 to 1994 with John Sellers help.
I cannot fight all of this, and I have no way to fight all the good charity people that joined in with fund raising.
I would like to have a picture or slide of the one abstract mostly Blue that was over your stairwell in the very old days when we lived at 2400 Euclid. If you still can't remember who I am.
I understand that that piece was probably put away because I don't know what was said about me and I had an ex wife named Melanie Gilbert one of my cousin Bob Warnocks four wives from the same Gilert family right behind me in a similiare car in Syracuse as she was here and probably still now I see someone new looking like me in a similar car.
Very well thought out by Rodger Scott, Dr. Pritchard who is probably one of the Masterpol, Sellers and other Public Relations people involved with the very gifted Haitian doctors that cured Yaws at U of M.
The only person who saw that Cazenovia College show that I know of only because Rodger mentioned it. Clair Harrotunina did not tell me that I had t provede the list for the Cazenovia show and my explainations of my work did not get to the college was Jerome Witkin and the Chancellors office also helped him save his private property from Divorce so he may not remember how good that lost work was. I am so sad that my slides were also stolen with my work and even my silver and doll house things. Sellers were involved with this with Daltons from the Walton area that treated my cousin for drug abuse and probably a Thomas from Ohio that was a cocaine dealer that moved right next to my cousin and is now a Reverend. Rodger Scott was a very talented if sneaky PR person I am sure helping the sruuounding Syracuse business peopla as well as all the other business around Carrier and Motts who started this way back in the 50's to get all the reformed Mafia including Susan Lucci's relatives, my aunts family into military and university positions after they get them as students.
I only ask for a slide which may not make it in the mail, but I would ask that you please send me a copy of any you might have in your old insurance files if I made it that far. I did like that and a pink one I tried to make two of very similar just to see if I could control my abstract work. I think Jack Nelson came here as a Doctor with a divverent name Engbritson or Lewin to steal a lot of Old Orange pins of my dad's grandfathers. Dad is listed as a factory worker in Nelson Mormon files, he was an Engineer that worked with the Top desingers (including Rodger and his friends in the NASA Moon Car Area in the 60's) where this also may have started and how he came to be at Cranbrook with my aunts Mafia funeral family Bagnascos (Michaels Here) to bring all this about.
Best wishes to my son if you ever see him at anything. I have no idea where he is when Kip Capps son and Nelsons and others were entered into Jeri Nelson as Nancy Hoffmann became a political women's power in the Pink Parts Politics around women's disease. A very important role but she ignored what Jacks Mormon family was doing while enjoying her time with Rodger while Jack and others were running all over N. Ireland with John MacDonald Jr and Art Legacy and Art Storch in his priests costume making my Young family all Farquhar and military etc. actually they were the side of the Young family my dad did not talk too as he asked my mothers brother not to marry Francis because she carried muscular Dystrophy.
Forgive me if you are also battling a terrible disease as Hodie Clark must have been to help Jeri get her first job in Religion at SU when jack was fired not just had a heart attack to start placing made up Legacy and Manes false genealogy in N. Ireland. Rodger was asked to join the CIA possibly he did but I think it was Australia or N. Zeland with John MacDonald Jr making up Parkhills for the Nelson,. Wilson and Mitchell antique people to go 'family' b way of Parkhill a made up name.
I am not seeking revenge I would like to try and publish the few things I know to be true about my dads Sea Captains and Shipyards that Ainsley Burke found out about. His wife a Duffy may have been entered in as my family also to people realted to my aunts step brothers, Gregg and Duffy actually not any part of my family how he found out he was related to Chevie Chase as the David Chases were when Karen Black and her Cranborok bother David Black and others in Hollywood who saw my sister in law with her fathers purse waiting to be used by Syracuse Stage getting their actors into movies and also my mother's family into Saltire and Court dances and keeping them their friday night and Saltire Balls that used to be held in Dallas and in Clearwater at the former Crystal Ballroom now the Church of Scientology.
This is a very long and I am sure boring letter. I see where you are listed as also being involved probably in medicine and charity which is the same place my now millionaire family is. So I will understand if you are ill why you cannot comply with my request.
My very 'Best Wishes,'
Isabelle Waiting formerly Mack
6735 Hammock Rd.
Port Richey, FL 34668
I wqas driven out of my trailer park area after my silver and Saltire room of dolls I (who married a second husband that managed Holiday Inns, and Karen Ambrose Cooper Anderson who was probably related to Tampa Gen. Head in the 70's at least Dr. Anderson. She and her family may have introduced Mack Truck Teamsers and my aunts family giving to Medicine into local Mafia retirement fund buys at SU so this request is not without risk.
Say hello to my son if he is ever seen at anything to do with SU. He was driven out of school and had a bad accident where he fell a long distance after somone took his place at SU on Rodgers remitted tuition. A Nelson or Wendy Kline who is the person he was dating while we were married also after funding for her deaf Daughters reseach which had been taken on by a not FBI agent Tom Bagnasco..who appears to me to have controlled all my calls to my parents or me for Nelson Genealogy making my genealogy and work my aunt Isabelle Greenfield Young (Swanson (to break trusts at CAA to find a Swanson to build undeground buildings and road-the youngs were given the catering contract) My cousin Barbara Young folled me to Cranbrook and graduated with margie Hughto 77,
before one show I made one blue and one pink painting acrylic and then another as close as I could, intending on showing someone that commented on abstract art just being unplanned is not true. The pink one I sold to Allens in the University, Bradford area and the other to the Weisses. I had intended on destroying the second but I have no idea where they went. I had Tim Black and other students in all my houses and Jack without my knowledge so often I to this day do not know what happens to art work or papers or photographs that some scrapbooker wants to go with their Gerbil Balls and Charity Museum society. I am sorry they were not prints or made with a duplicators. Just on the floor in my plastic film rooms.
The Mitchells getting funding for art dance and cancer found men with women suffering with cancer or sick children, to be lovely extra men at parties with people they were introducing to their Hollywood star relatives....to add to their list of famous people for their charity and medical research and building projects around their church or university.
This story started Halloween 1986 when Elaine Yannow could only be home on H.Eve so I could pick up a very few sculptures and jewelry that had been left at her house (while my ancestral jewelry was being stolen in a bank in Florida). to present 2009 Halaloween.
This is the beginning page of a three now year journal to replace one started many years earlier lost when that computer was broken.
I still have no knowledge of a living son. Even tho someone in the Nelson address sent me a picture of his unknown family to start sending presents to the child. Probably sent to someone else.
We were close to Berrigans and Daltons at LeMoyne.
Berrigan and Ramsey Clark (Ramsey Stuart supposed Royals Jean Clark in Flint and NC) were at the Bobby Sands starvation for the Catholic churchMaze prison or similiar prison during Irish Troubles.
Chase PR was possibly involved in this advertising and charity Society in Syracuse from Bloomfield Hills and Hollywood, were also finding Hollywood Chevy Chase and Ainsley Burke then others in Cazenofia findingkinship with my aunts step German Duffys and Ainsley Burkes wife Barbara Duffy Burke. David took us to look at a lot close to the Berrigans in Syracuse. They looked us up and somehow found my fathers Orange background on a bbc someplace and decided I was deserving to be wiped out and I would hate handicapped.
I believe after writing this last three years of complaints Journal: That:
Ramseys Clarks and Berrigans. MacDonald Sr and a Donovan watching in Buffalo were part of the CIA beginnings with MacDonald that moved to Australia and NZ.
They heard my uncle was in Hurly hospital with an Old Royal Orange burned inover his heard scar was in hospital in Flint MI my uncle Sam Waiting.
They decided to move in on my aunts family and Hollywood women to use my dads names for NZ and Australian genealogy or Mr. and Mrs. MacDonalds CIA and FBI profiling in NZ? with Ramseys in Sag Harbor friends of john MacDonald and his silkscreen friends. They moved in.
When I worked in special ed and was just taken off Mitchell Education computers as a sub; letters sent out as if I were a pervert not to be allowed to enter Pasco school property because I refused to stay on at River Ridge and wanted back on non handicapped jobs. I did not want to lift and diaper handicapped children that were of adult years.
I respected written work of Daniel Berrigans in Special Education and was trying to introduce another California art system to my area of freetime activities of the handicapped that was in the room with...to help them read better. No I did not want to try and wrestle a grown 21 year old handicapped person who hit and spit to a table to diaper him in middle school He asl had AIDs I suppose as the phys ed dept of the school I was at apparently fent an older woman should diaper him instead of a strong male teacher from Phys ed, onee with small children. a Michaels.Bagnasco?
In books on the irish troubles (dads Walkers were famous protestant orange in their day) I found mention of Berrigan and Clark at the Bobby Sands starvation. We were close to Le Moyne on a hill. All other hills had a church not a farn with hugh herb garden on it and all probably would have liked it given to them by my Young charity workers who I did not know were in the area as often as they must have been. I am surprized we lasted as long as we did with out relatives trying to pull the ground out from under us while they were switching so many peole to Scottish. My aunt on one visit said she or her English sister in law had changed her in law Booths at Wayne State to Scottish German from Polish German. I assume with help by my dads friend Charles Thomsons non Scottish wife Julia a librarian who also loved all things scottish as did her brother somehow both were part of a Dr. Thompson family by the time their genealogy was finished how they got to be related to my Thomas sister in law who then wanted an art studio like her brothers to entertain in.
I have added too much to this blog and have no paper to print for a week or so. So this will have to be very long and confusing until then. This blog will be corrected to be more readable and a second just genealogy and papers I had put on the top. All the crazy comments I am accusined of and whatever proofs I might offer besides just living with this 'family;' since the 50's shortened up.
I have to add the Davidsons part of Jack Nelsons Masterpol Advertising area: DAvidsoms and Marilyn and her daughter are possibly also part of this Medical society of Florida, Newest girlfriends of Syracuse Doctors (I knew their other wiveds) and a group of ex doctors wives who all wanted to move to Clearwater with Goddess writers from CAA and Syracuse area.
Doctors or pofessionals including Sheriffs adding their daughters to the old performing arts pictures of my mothers (now stolen) from old Flint daysn did not mind finding others art work for their girlfriends or newest wife to use for tax credits? or social fun for their girlfriends to sell and be part of the museum, church art and cancer dance crwod. The newest baautiful people like shortcuts to their work a little too well. My own relatives appear to have a lot of people that are willing to help them not only steal finished things bot also supplies I think partly because of all the slander that my cousins have found useful with Jack Nelson who called it his greatest weapon. he would go psst psst psst when asked what he was up to.
Mary Mack made sets I believe Rodger mentioned while she lived in Birmihgham MI where she may have met Dr. Ebert my cousin's friend (who used to like to hold a switch blade o my neck if I was at my cousins) he seems to have changed it to a scalpal. Where her family after the divorce also decided to follow Rodger to Syracuse Stage friends Jack, Capps and Yannow may have orked with her.
As my attorneys worked with my rich relatives on one side or another I may never know who is running around with my former valuabes and ancestry...while keeping me from any knowledge of my son.
Sarah Spino (as Sarah Spino Royal Orange writer) was in Louisiana last I saw her blog on the web. Where my uncle Jim Young and his Mahons and nursing home Rubys helped start all this false MacGregger to involve my in laws in....
Sorry Teddy you have so much trouble if you are alive reading this. Hope a new compuer will help soon.Will try to half this information tomorrow.
I think the MacPherson employment person at SU put me into an Institute on SU campus that may have been funding Jacks doctor friends searching for Cancer. I suppose they had my ex in a back room killing mice to practice being mean to my son for his sisters new beautiful people at the St Pete Museum future crowd.
I think Jack Nelson as Lewin? Enbritson? Institute for Creativity/research were education people helping research doctors write papers with Wendy Kline/Elaine Yannow? in Syracse. I believe they followed me down to Florida. I saw them drive by one by one on HWY 54. 86..Or other people had onJack Nelson laytex death masks or laytex make up theatre masks made from his plaster mold making class at with Syracuse stage. Same that had doubles of my dads band friends att a games my mother was supposed to start screaming at when her meds started evening out her behavior and people could not come in and mess them up.
In 86 Boyce Colonial Hills Phase One and Michaels funeral were on the same corner on now HWY 54: A security camera right into our back window from a pole in front of a sod company. A Pappas securty from a home on Overton mother's stret, was aimed at the front bedroom window and a contractor security beam on the back window. A cocaine dealer related to Higgens neighbor a Thomas from Ohio. I think Strongsville Thomas related I think ad been using my dad's car and pipes for years turning into a Thompson relative of my dads Charles Thompson friend.
The security beams would all turn off with a curved make up mirror so they were on the entire time I lived in Overton. I think my sister in laws inventor friend Dalton from Dalton Tarpons hospital that treated my cousin bagnasco for his morphine addiction was same DAlton possibly at LeMoyne and Dalton Paper company Walton Ave and Dalton Antiques Syracuse, Dalton genealogy Manlius Library? Dalton Sensormatic of Deerfield Beach retail security. My in laws knew right when I was not home to rob me.
Sunset St. once 54, Col Hills and bus station office, then moved to where Marine Parkway is now (Community Hospital) then moved farther up 19 to street where RE Board is. Safranic involved with RE ( former worker with my ex in Birmingham MI where the GM Moon Car was designed). Probabkt all in Real Estate with my Young cousins and their Fergusons and his USF physics and prof. friends as well as Scots house people. Zip codes and numbers on Oriole to Overton Dr, my mothers street changed two or three times.I had to buy a house after '86 with divorce money (ruined by renters) on Camellia that had its numbers changed 2066 50 5055 with different zip codes two or three times. I forgot Gedoes and Gaede were names of my mother in laws Serbian family before they went MacGregger? with my Jim Youngs and third ave Flint changing backgrounds with Miller and Bishop Rd. suburban communiey.
Dalton in Deerfield Beach sensormatic retail divices was probably also known to Kupperman's of Kitchen supply who had his limited power of medical attorney when he visited them one time. Kathy or Youngs could have used that to grab himn and take him to Community hospital when he tried to get to the house in Col Hills. Why I worry. There were broken doors one week next door at the sod company where the Thomas worked that dealt druges and used my dads car with Warnocks. They had broken doors right next to the bus station. I had sent my son the first 1000 I got from the sale of the house requested from aldermns office years earlier from sale of 2400 Euclid in the Bradford Area not University area. I think he got him locked up saying my aunt was not his mother and he had been robbed. I think he could have then died in Detroit at the hands of the Nelson and Mack Janitors going royals in Florida and with Police department grants from SU and Wayne state, Cranbrook? with the Young policeman from Birmingham MI I did not know.l Only Tom Bagnasco identified him.
Lhermans that gave Jack an apartment as Lewin? had a beauty supply comany by Rodger Scott and Yannow medicis dance area. Kuppermns lived in Deerfield Beach winters or after taxes. Everyone in town appeared to be doing laser research with new Boyce laser talker and artificial voices. Dr Colman took too much of dads throat for him to recover correctly I hope it was not sent to Jack nelsons and his clown doctors in Syracuse to play with. With Smith Girls and others getting Kline and Institute research money from my in laws going scottish with them in Dunedin. While continueing to plan my sons death so Toby Thomas cound continue to use his name Theo Mack in Manlius with Wilsons originally from Clearwater and a failed ship business possibly then moved to Maryland with Kathy Deitz and Youngs helped by Simpsons also robbing me of my grandfathers switched to Fergusons or Warnocks.
I want to know if my son is dead or alive, he is a disappeared in America, taken out for millionaire and dictator fun and Scottish dancing.
I wonder if a man who writes postcards supposedily from my son was security at Community that let my mother out after (Thomas and Swanson) neighbors had her locked up
Names and addresses in my parents address books included include Everson people names from Syracuse..first time I ever saw them with their other addresses...but they visited me we did not visit them. . Rodger Allen Macks names and others were mis-spelled by attorneys my aunts Bagnasco Montreal ex mafia relatives were not brought into Bonnanno investigatons because of name mis-spelling. Rodger Mack on his first divorce was Rigger Mack on ours Rodger is Roger Mack no Allen to go with Eric Allen Warnock using Eric Allen Waiting at HPCC com. jr college when I arrived. I suppose he was living at the house and has since said that everhting I brought down from our 'estate' for real and bought at Lyons was his property moved there by he and the other police in the family using my nother and my house (I alsohad her durable power of attorney since 1980) pre 1986. Not so.
I suppose a lot of my HS was maybe to fat to get to the 50 year reunion. Maybe could not get out their door. I am having trouble now I am not going to gym..resting my car to delay a huge repair. Similiar disasters may have happened to them loss of money, health them enable name changes to another country's names.I thought I saw a Grace Short in mother's performing arts pictures of 50's acting club. Maybe go with Sheriff Short and Wolfs newest millionaires club investors and political backers looking for German or Scottish trinkets for the wall. I think my mothers Martin friend in all of those pictures so Storch's Martin may have added her friends mothers faces over the originals also.
Karen Frost McKinny probably married her Holiday Inn Manager as McKinny and her Scottish or Irish startes there and goes backwords over her Frost and Frost Goddess and Witch writers in Hollywood writing in the 80's when Cranbrook and SU Goddess writers were publishing books and giving money to keep Cranbrook alive (Simpson PR)
Possibly I can stay thin making my door small, so I can't get in if I gain weight staying home awaiting enough money to fix the antique I am living in or car.Maybe if I make my door in three parts entering the middle.If my nose droops too far I may have to give my pony tail an extra twist, if CAA people see me with one euebrow higher-sorry- it is not a stroke. I may just hike up the nose with one more twist
to get in my door.
Getting grim, time to quit.Hope I can find my son, get rid of some of my storage to his care and go to mexico where I can carry my new computer around and get this all corrected...A mormon scientoly friend of the Rices on Ackerman Ave Syra and New Orleans,that got involved in the 70's with Nelsons and Powells and new Black Scottish and Plantation genealogy to sell with Jack, Cann write another charity/ mafia movie using the Syracuse divorce hit squad and artsie going yachtsie galleries using Sy stage theatre new scottish crowd as dancers.
That would be Art Storch and his Mitchell/Flint/Kline/deaf dancers?new Goddesses of Queens own Performing Sirs in the cult'y kiltie background family of Alderman Kline pirates. A Cranbrook 50's reunion shot perhaps? Where did you say Mr Moore was? At a Cranbrook reunion in Cuba? a Bush Nixon Dallas yacht invasion?
Mrs Hancock (Hoffmann) used to sport a penis falling out every pocket on her visits to con can student shows. I guess the more the penis' Peni? the more important she was supposed to be. When she is emporor of medicine here in Floria perhaps she could come up for a proper punishment for some of the dasterdy medical mistake makers. My mothers and dad had some awful experiences thanks to Syracuse in Tampa friends of Jack I think...and new Thompson to Young Bowman Thomas 'family'.
When I had a better car and lived in New Port Colony a friend (who had been butched by a doctor that ran to NC then had a heart battery end up at the ned of her boob. There was a Higgens Thomas across the street that used to use my phone with some odd hook up to his civil war reinactment friends. There was a Bobbi that looked like jack that stayed with an uncle younger than him that looked like a Galanti on her street. For the doctors that do all these miserable mistakes!!! How about a colored teflon ball like the Hoffmann peni in the pocket while the other hung out...attached to their rears..one they have have to sit on for the rest of their lives?
Cut the wrong leg off they sit on the punishment forever. I know you and Mrs Bishop are down here and these ladies of the new Goddess British Coloney of Taronm /west Oasci Lennon and other Srs has to be close to your black ha ha heart.
CAA had a lot of telephone designers mentioned working for Arab Princes in the one issue of their alumni magazine I received after the 87 reunion,Bradenton where my cousins and Kline arranged a meeting with old CAA grad. Looked a little like a Swanson.
Anyway, I have one big hair (after turning 60 that has to be mowed every day). Why don't Guido and Richie R, New Orlenas La and FL) along with Bagnasco's phone co design me a nice big phone. That would be the telephone company that I believe messes up my computer memory with files dumped in it I can't access. I want a three piece phone with a holder in the middle and extending pull out cup for ear and a ball that pulls out on the bottom,to talk into. I could even clip en on the major hair on the chinny and be able to use my phone like everybody else talking while driving down 19. Aslong as I am asking, how do the SU and USF Physics people that loan out all the physics lasers to art nuts like Jack and friends stop cars in mid left turn etc,.
I am so tied of being Kathi Mack Thomas monkey for she and daughters hollywood stunt men and inventors trying out their equipment on. Rodger a long time ago said Toby was seeing a stunt man on Deerfield beach I now wonder if Deerfield FL. not Calif. Is she still working with Kathi's inventors,Kupperman and Bagnasco security inventors? Wilson Shanely inventors Kline and Mitchell deaf inventors and their Bagnasco deaf dancer and MI Deaf studies aso Smith and Kline as all one big false background family from Art LeGacys work on my poor son in third grade?
Cousins: You have taken 60 of my 70 year lives and taken half of my son's life. He lost his whole education and childhood to schemeing relatives stalking him after his grandmother and dads money, or a trust written without my consent, signed by my aunt? My valuables sold for for Waller Mitchell or Young RE investment.
Not fair and should not be lawful.I do not like you or your charitys and would not have given you a thing after all the trouble you and your disease and having to change third Ave for Miller rd, have caused me all my life.
I would like to know where my disappeared son is after 24 years of trying to find him in America around foreign investors and the second girlfriend families of professors waiting to get rid of wives and children in Syracuse.
If mass lawsuit attorneys (Henry Mills?)are still piling up people to sue my in laws tken over by Simpons and Nelsons, Stinosn...students will note that they will all get a quarter and the attorneys watching all this go on will get any millions.
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