Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank you Karen Ambrose, Karen Frost and my aunt Isabgelle and her Bells for running me out of my home of six years at Tropic Breeze last year

You had to make sure I did not go to a 50th class reunion after my or my auns relatives robbed me of my best miniature room and more silver from my storage area next door.
It has taken me a year to recover and try to get into one kind of miniature making and fininshing paintings while all your dear friends with employed sons and daughters due to ancestry lies help mess up my accounts and waste all my time.

You are just trying to force me to throw all of my things you piled in from of the things of some worth to me you intend to pass out to my spoiped brat Kathy Mack Thomas and her brat daughters and their friends and relatives who have new identities after small or large criminal acts and following the peoople at Waller and Mitchell, contacted by Rodger Scott (forgery 90's NY) and his Waller and Mitchell and Michaels employment and medical investment peole joining my ex in laws had to ruin my life and credit every ten years.

Kathy mack has been sued before and someday I will find an attorney to sue her and her liers club of Polish Czech's and and rotton (also part Time Hoffmann CIA)taking my dads N. Ireland shipyard ancestry and mine and handing it to every piece of Polish Czech crap she could find including the Queens Sirs and their rotton background.

If this was not computers on line but things done from my home computer somehow...afater entering my trailer again...then they also probably took any papers they could find again. I have had to search for lost items every time I go to paint because my work was stolen and used my my relatives and in laws while they waste my time.

They are trying to keep any funds frommy son going to him from insuracne when I die even for their Rodger Mack Student Aid fund. Well to hell with them.
I would like to know if my son Theo Mack is living and what name he is using bacuse of Toby and Tammy having to back through high school I suspect. Or at least Toby.
Thank you Connie Mack and a pack of politicians Mitchells mostly for deciding that my Serbian Polish Princess sister in law was Bell and Walker Young and Waiting Irish?
My father was not Irish his and his grandfathers shipyard were English. He loved my mothers Scottish and bought a lot of things Scottishto use even tho he could never really pin down the one Scottish ancestor that came over tohelp with uprisings at the shipyard. The Shipyard, Homes ships were in old Barrow and destroyed,

Rodger Scott Waller and Mitchell and MacDonald have been sneaking around while my cousins stalk me to steal my property and I am sick of it and their Police helpers.

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