Saturday, October 24, 2009

The New Travel Empire of Scottish Royals to be found by my aunts and uncles and Clarks/ Cranbrook/Syracus Relatives steal my ancestors for

My aunts and uncles started back when they were fencing instructors at Flint Jr College started stealing my ancestry English sea captains and N. Irish Shipyard land in Australia to give to my step Cousins and my fathers cousins Simpsons to invent new Travel related Stuart realties with the Clarks and Scots House people joined with Saltire dance and other dance schools that sprang up when Jack Nelson had to make a super joke out of it and trade my dad and me into his Spanish and Haitians afater helping my millionaires sister in laws flunkes and my aunts former Mafia in laws decided I and my son had to be eliminated.

This whole county is waiting for the NC visiting Royals from NC Clarks and probably by now Stuart Mott ex GM for all to practice bowing low over with all the around university people that just had to have all my tea cups and silver to pour tea with. My aunt had to borrow and old ettiquete book with which duke leaves dinner first and by which door after she and her gangsters and my moghers jealous friends had to destroy my and my sons life to add a pack of ex janitorial service and junk yard owners etc into Scottish Dames and court pipers and find wifes for all the medical jobs and education that were available for anyone who would lie in the Pasco Co Area if not back at the private schools that wanted dictator and other foreign students by then part Scottish and invested in former mafia business were all part of one big family business. Including whoever they added to get lockerbie money. Led by Alderman and Deitz, Rodger Scott and Pritahcards Harrotunians and anyone that jhust had to hang out with millionaires using different names and with somebody elese husband to get to Tarpon the ex West Pasco British Colony of the 1700s where the mistresses of married lords ruled. Making it a place to wipe out ex wives coming here to visit or care for their elderly parents that were driven out of their homes by business closing or mall building by above TRIBE.

This is a big jhoke area I have not been able to have a car that runs or get out of since I got here in 1986 after I won a divorce and my ex in laws came down with my ex friends practicing finding out they are real royals in the US around Jeanne Clark and others Probably Ramsey in Flint and one in Cranbrook. Where the Booths first joined up with my aunt as in laws with the Thornlea booths I suppose Clara Mott and others also were hanging out with the Royals and Leonard Swansons my aunts first husband and also fencing instuctor and Jack Nelson that was finding wives for all of his Haitian doctors curing disease in U of M and then he helped harass ex wives of his doctor friends out of all their possessions and life and Children.

I can't stop people trying to find out how not to fall on the floor while bowing low to someone my aunts and uncles have decided to make up genealogy around including political CIA and CIA from New Zeland and there bid for performance and research money art and medical from all the partnes around my aunt Francis crippled children. Including Karen Ambrose and her fathers Mack Truck and Ambrose Bar on third Ave where the idea must have sprung.

My ex had to be moved to Syracuse so they sent people in from one of their communes where they write false genealoy since the 50s to close the Ark Arts Center to get my ex and his millionaire parents to the Rochester Syracuse area where my Youngs had moved in with their Catholic Charities and their planes taking them and their new Royal friends around o country club and Yacht club parites hat are now the rat monkey or gerbils for Lab finest balls. I supppose all the royals and their dancers show up to show off their Saltire Formal and Court Dancing.

Too bad they had to switch backgrounds with me for my dads N Irish shipyard and to get Jack Nelson and a pack of liers from SU to previously closed Royal Orange Lodges where genealoy records were kept so Jack could put copies of changed documens and pins that he had stolen from my father and then stole all my jewelry and jewelry he had just bought in the 70's for me and my mother that the Youngs their new Farquhars just had to have so they have stolen jewelry and silver from banks. Apparently bank presidents and Mormons and Catholics bow to new phony Royals and sign up for their return to their countries and pagents by the Mansour Hamady and Thomas Travel and my sister in laws new united mafia who also all learned to pour and curtsey. To bad they and Masterpol Nelson Advertising had to have all of my souvineers that my parents and I collected, and my art work to pass out to the new Family.

I would like to know if my son was on the Lockerbie plane or he traded places by starvation with a Thomas cousin that was on the plane as a German countess or something with Christos Papadopolous son of a Greek Archbishop. Probablya slso in with all of this Mack Truck and Food business and Funeral home business taking over country medical and education real estate, and medical jobs this and other areas since the 60's.

Please get your Scottish Dame mitts off my art supplies dollhouses and leave me the last of my storage you have taken all the valuabels including a Tudor chease board I bought at Lyons here, You stole the receipt from that sale in the last year here at a different park after you had to make sure I had to be moving rather than be able to contact or dreaded more visit the 60 year reunion of my HS. Increased attacks on my bank credit car etc are really up again so I suppose I have to miss the Cranbrook 50 reunion. Ok so my aunt is there as she ususally is catering with my Young relativs I suppose as me. Or just handing out my property or my ancestry with her rotton tea...The queens phony Sirs in attendance to my rich Polish Serbian sister in law as a Scottish Dame with all the Other Scottish Dames that helped rich English performing arts friends of Art Storch and his Martin hold up their castles.

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