Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Flying lessons for Am Gen and Lebanese Ponzi Group. hope not.

Looking at the past over 50 years, I hope myson is not kept on planes for the Alderman Deitz and Mitchell Investment Ponzi Mormon Scientology or Catholic. I hope he does not get flying lessions as accidents were suppected of happening to drug dealers with children insured by American Gen when I worked there...rumor.

I hope my son was not disinherited to keep hin obn planes so he could be in an accfident ot terrorist plane takeover for the countries terrorists getting money for their friends....don't care if the Tampa FBI likes being in kilts with Aldermans or not.

My son deserves his millionare grandparents inheritance for all the trouble my sister in law took getting rid of my money and career and paintings and craft work for her family...unitedto use. NOT FLYING LESSON FROM A PLANE to same some private university and their well insured students.

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