Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Teddy Mack Elmo mail.Comments on McSherry and Cranbrook weavers destroying my work as well as my and my sons life for trust jobs.

I have Elmo in a bag in a lay away dept for xmas.
I have Elmo in lay away. Having a lot of trouble with everything falling apart as it does every year at this time. Fridge Car having to do things no one else does. etc.

I hope my cousins and CAA Uof M SU Catholics and Mormon development,Vatican led from CAA 60s (now with with Mack and Kennedy PR their development with private schools to N. Ireland and South America as Walkers etc) have not killed you yet. Or the Polish and Italian Mafia going Scottish with Iran and New Young names..just put a Iranian in a John Birch type name and he is no longer a mistrusted muslim. Just like changing the names of Bagnasco Rendesi's so they don't get involved with Bonnano in Montreal. Rodger Scott teaching the Alderman Pirates new tricks.

I guess Barbara Young must have been in some Cranbrook School jewelry classes so I could be used to change my background to theirs with Thomas faculty. Knowing the glorious Serbian Polish Kathi Thomas visiting her brother as she had always done trying to rule all the roosts with all of her Polich to Irish Plans.

I wish Cranbook and SU people had not decided that she had to have my paintings to add to her false act.

Please don't murder me CAA ladies and all your stolen murder money! I wouod no more go to one of y our reunions as put my head in a Gilloties. I guess it must have been Barbara Youngs future Onieda people that heled her put some of my stolen dollhouse things into other students rooms. Thank you so much you vicious maker of cripples. You should not be allowed to murder people for your reseach money. I guess the mafia and attorneys you add to your baby making for airlplanes and yacht club parties in your and Simpsons new 'family' outvotes me.

I assume the McSherry that was at Bob Bogdons and then went to work for Mrs. Holstein in our Bradford Hills location (wife and husband owned Soroco Plastics) the office on Aging Washington. She is the operson that ruined our house with a party I assume the same people that had a party in my apartment when I had to leave town because I could not find a decent job that did not change when I received it. Driven to where Cranbrook weavers and others were waiting to grab all of my valuables while getting ready to handle my ex husbands trust with my sister in law that was given all my paintings to use the best of my lifetime.

Is that what the CIA does with brats of jealous faculty wives that had to make it look as if I lost the divorce? instead of my son. While getting my wiped out son with no money or education stalked by Nelsons and Youngs all his life and their stinking mall police and Dome security moving to this area to be part of the MACK and Nelson new fale genealogy for Catholic Grants and to make up false Indian Princesses to all bow to the visiting Sirs? for her majesties phony Sir department busy with Hollywood people getting into business with the old Mafia in medicine and the old Teamsters in Mack Truck and name changing with Karen Amborse Coopper Anderson and the Swartz Creek and Bagnasco Bell liers club.

Got one couch cleared off, working on my plastic boxs outside and will try to clear a second bed and then take on clearing up my storage before the owners allow the neighbors in again or police allow or CIAto grab more props for their MacSherry to Macks with new Jewish Mafia names going Scottish and into property in N. Ireland.

(I guess Nadia McSherry a CAA weaver already had a daughter in the neighborhood because Kathi wanted her for your dads next marriage (MC must have been Irish) mustach and all, she looked Serbian with a Scottish or irish name. Then they searched my parents house with Black Ambrose and Sefas and Warnocks and found all the Silver. My dad left the back door open and CAA people lived down the street.

John MacDonald found out the Orange connection and decided to have it for Australia and NZ where he ran because of Tax problems.

If you married a Catholic I don't want to know her anyway but I suppose thabks to Kathii and Mack/Kennedy liers and Yannow Alderman Mormon liers she is an Irish Haitian Arab by now.

Elmo should be happpy he is red.and polyester. Will fit right in anywhere.

Your mack relatives owe you a million dollars.

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